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Here we go again


More storms = more rain. ugh. They did go ahead and bring sand in this morning. Smaller loads so it took twice as long and still tore the heck out of the yard. At least we are another tiny step closer and thank God we've not been blown off the map. There is a tornado warning right now in the county west of us but I'm not thinking about that. That's right... I am NOT going to freak out. Batty asked about a basement in the comments of the previous entry. The answer is no, we have no basement. We bought this house in early spring and weren't thinking how important that would be.

Now they have moved the tornado warning into our county. The weather guy just said "If we zoom the radar out, you can see that bow echo moving towards Decatur County." I wish he'd shut up. I am NOT going to freak out. I'm going to eat chicken and mashed potatoes and hope my garage sand doesn't wash down the hill.