This morning the big boy goes back to the orthodontist. The kid is just dragging and mama's not real alert either.
Last night he had a ballgame quite a distance from home. He didn't want to go since he has a cold and he knew he'd be getting up at 6 this morning. I told him if he missed the game, they'd give his position to someone else. Wouldn't ya know, we drive over there and the coach changed his position anyway. I was incredibly disappointed in the way C. handled it. He is usually a mellow kid but last night he got a little lippy. First time in all the years of baseball that I've had to go to the dugout and get onto my own kid. Hopefully it will be the last.
We didn't get home from that until after 10 so we're all tired and he's coughing his head off this morning. Better go dump some medicine into him and get him ready for whatever happens on the 2nd ortho visit.
Comments (1)
Oh, it gets interesting as they age, sister...
Posted by dan | June 15, 2004 11:35 PM
Posted on June 15, 2004 23:35