This story on cracked me up so bad. Cuddle parties? As if that's not enough to illicit a giggle, quoting from the article:
An introduction to cuddling ensues, first by hugging three people. People then get in a circle on their hands and knees, rub shoulders and moo like cows...
followed by:
Cuddle parties are intended for people who are emotionally sound. People in therapy or who are seeing a mental health professional are asked to consult their doctor before signing up for a party and to tell organizers of their situation.
Comments (4)
I am sooooo not going to follow that link. In this case "Trust Weesa" seems like a grand policy to follow...
Posted by dan | August 9, 2004 10:50 PM
Posted on August 9, 2004 22:50
suuuuuuuuure the PJs stay on the whole time.
Posted by lori | August 10, 2004 9:19 AM
Posted on August 10, 2004 09:19
LOL - I'm with Dan, trusting Lisa.
Posted by barbara | August 10, 2004 2:11 PM
Posted on August 10, 2004 14:11
hey! i've been meaning to comment.
i've participated in some cuddle parties here in eugene. not cuddle parties with stranger, but cuddle parties nonetheless. i thought it was just a eugene thing. clothes DO stay on, if that is the theme of the party. now, if its a sex party, well.. thats what its called. :)
Posted by brooke | August 19, 2004 10:46 PM
Posted on August 19, 2004 22:46