I've been trying to generate interest in saving for Florida vacation rentals. Our friends Rod and Gayle are in Vero Beach and come back to Iowa every summer. Why, I do not know. ha! I guess it's a little hot and humid down south in the summer but still...
We've only been on three vacations together and two of those were close to home in the midwest. I want to go somewhere where spanish moss hangs from trees and there is an ocean with pretty beaches and blue water. Our first vacation together was to North Carolina and included our only ocean experience. That was about 30 minutes in Virginia Beach and it looked like a never ending version of our lake. Most people I know go to Florida for Orlando or Disney but I want hammocks and palm trees and most importantly, quiet. I've never seen white sand and blue water. In Virginia the water was muddy and it wasn't quiet at all. The roar of the waves was deafening and the squealing kids were even worse.
This one looks nice and look, blue water/white sand. Private beach and dolphins! Anyone want to go with me? Never hurts to dream.
In case you're wondering, I'd never leave the snow. This would be a late April kind of thing.