Another specialized dating service that is self described as "The Premier Ebony Dating Community" is Black Dating Service. One of the first things I noticed was that despite being designed for ebony singles, there are photos of white guys who are members. There isn't anything in the FAQ that specifically says white people cannot belong but I would think that's sort of implied.
Comments (1)
dating site are for all people any color,my site has fhatas in the name dont mean that only fhatas can post a profile any person can post a profile that over 18
**Note - I removed your link because children read my site and the picture on your link is a little racy for my kids. I agree that dating sites are for people of any color but my review was based on a site that specifically advertises itself as being for the "ebony" community. Thanks! Lisa
Posted by lamont | April 4, 2007 8:37 PM
Posted on April 4, 2007 20:37