Yesterday I worked on setting up some wireless networking in a facility with less than ideal conditions for such a thing. This involved going up and down a step ladder multiple times to adjust repeaters. After an adjustment near the ceiling, I’d race down the hallway and climb under a desk and reach back through to adjust the antenna on a workstation, then back the halls to check signal strengths at all points. By the time I got all of this finished, I had a terrible backache. It was so bad that I told Todd maybe I was having a heart attack and would wake up dead in the morning.
At bedtime I remembered the free samples of Freeze It I had and asked Todd to rub some on my back. I was sitting cross legged, bent over with my head in my lap, holding my shirt up out of the way and heard him say “Oh. Hmmm. Weird.” Freaked me out because I assumed something was terribly wrong with my back but turned out he was expecting a clear gel to come out of the packet and it was green instead. The smell was the menthol scent I expected and I started to complain that I thought it said it was odorless. He read the package again and clarified that it had a quickly disappearing scent. By the time we finished the odor conversation, any remaining menthol smell was already gone.
When he put it on my back it was pretty cold (hence the name Freeze It) but then the sensation changed to a deep penetrating tingling. Not being accustomed to that, I almost went and washed it off but then I realized my back was feeling better. Within a few minutes, I fell asleep and the backache didn’t return until late this afternoon after I’d sat on a church pew for over an hour. I’ll be using it again tonight for sure.