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Hi. My name is Lisa and I'm a golf addict.

I never thought I'd say that but it's true. Both the boy and myself have succumbed to the game where you chase a little white ball around in an attempt to get it in the hole. I always thought it was such a stupid game but once you start hitting decent shots, you can't wait to try and do it even better.

I have been working on proper golf swing and remembering not to watch the ball. For some reason if you raise your head to watch where the ball goes, it will mess up the follow through I guess and the ball won't travel where it should.

This "swing up" approach is different than what we do for sure. One only need to look at the divots in our yard to tell we hit down on the ball. I'm going to show this to the kid since he forgets the rule about replacing divots, especially in our own yard. I love sites like this that show in graphics and video so you can actually see someone else doing it a few times.