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Missed the big steak fry

Every year Tom Harkin hosts a fall fundraiser steak fry and I had intended to go this year. Of course Obama was there as well as Clinton, Biden, Dodd, Edwards and Richardson. There was to be a HUGE Obama rally beforehand and I was incredibly excited. Then came the problems. First, this cold or whatever that will not go away. My nose looked redder than Rudolph's and my energy level is non-existent. Second, Todd won't admit to being a Republican but he sure is anti-Democrat. He wouldn't go with me. I couldn't find anyone else to go so when I found out it was to be webcast, I decided to stay home and watch it online. Then more problems. The webcast had technical difficulties and was a no-go. I heard from a friend that the day went very well. Over 3,000 Obama supporters showed up and the campaign gave out free t-shirts and other goodies. Now I am just waiting for the speeches to hit YouTube.