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Made it through a disaster


We were without power for two days with tree branches falling all around. Stepping outside was very scary as it sounded like shotguns blasting as tree's gave way from the weight and crashed down. Todd was at work most of this time and I'm proud to say I made it through all by myself. Didn't loose a kid or a single pet. I thought a few times that our roof was going to open up and swallow the branches raining down on it but thankfully it held up. I suppose we might find damage when we start cleaning up.

I did almost cry when I drove around and saw the trees all around town though. So sad that they've withstood so much for decades and every one of them has damage. A lot of them will be firewood now.

Comments (8)


Glad you're all safe and sound.

But they look nice in your photos anyhow!

just moosing along wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Have a happy one, friend! Thanks for all of your kind thoughts.

Happy holidays, merry christmas, and all that jazz. Love you, sweetie!


Happy Holidays!
Stay warm and snug! Collect hugs!

Merry christmas buddy! XO

weeeeeeeeesaaaaaaaaaa . . . where arrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee you? Come back!!!!


Happy New Year, my friend!