I'm a little late with this because work has been crazy busy. Eva and I are precinct captains for Barack Obama so last Saturday we were invited to the Jefferson Jackson dinner and pre-rally in Des Moines.
The day started with a precinct captain meeting with Michelle Obama. I was so impressed by her. What a lady! She is strong and confident without being overpowering and she can stand BY her man instead of behind or in front of him. She started out with his rally cry "Fired up! Ready to go!" then she said that was his line. Hers is "Are YOU ready?" She spoke of the change that would come with an Obama White House and how scary that change would be, how it would take courage and strength to get out of the familiar rut. I believe a lot of people are too afraid of change but we sure need to buck up and bring it. One of the best things she said was something like "I'm worried for this country. I am not worried for the Obamas. We will be okay." Now I know my Republican friends are thinking that's just political talk but if you ever stand in a room with either Barack or Michelle, you can tell it's not just talk. They are both really concerned. Concerned enough to give up their already great lifestyle to try and change our country for the better.
After Michelle, there was a rally with Barack and Michelle. John Legend played. We were less than four feet from him during his performance and he even shook Eva's hand. When Michelle introduced her husband, it was so genuine. You can tell they really love each other and have a deep, deep respect for one another. They are not just a political couple which makes them extraordinary in the world of wives who can forgive blowjobs. Now, don't get me wrong... I love Bill Clinton. Absolutely adore the man and his viewpoints but I'd have kicked his ass to the curb so fast. I really cannot respect Hillary based on her handling of that whole situation. Anyway...
After the rally we marched with Barack and Michelle from the conference to the auditorium where the dinner was held. It's always a site worth seeing when the noisy Obama supporters get organized into a group and march for their man. Once again the Obama people really outweighed the others. We are a joyful and friendly bunch. Eva and I talked to many people that day and everyone is really "Fired Up!"
His speech was great as always despite it being past 11PM when his turn rolled around. His message is consistent and strong. I am ashamed that my political interest comes so late in life but I am so proud that my first campaign involvement is for an honorable and decent man.