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May 2009 Archives

May 24, 2009


I almost never sleep anymore and it's starting to have a deep impact on my well-being. I lay down in the quiet and start thinking about the kids and how much I miss them, then I catalog all the things that have annoyed me and so forth. When a person gets tired, almost everything is annoying.

My mom had to put her dog to sleep so I bought her a little mini schnauzer to take back to her next time I go home. His name is Wally and he loves to help me sleep. I believe he thinks if he lays on my face, I will sleep better. I was supposed to take him to her this weekend but decided not to go since I'm not alert enough to drive that far.

Eva had her baby. A boy named Caden Rush finally got here on the 14th. She is loving motherhood and I can't wait to get over there to meet the big boy.

Did you read the news story about the suicide jumper in China? He was threatening to jump and a bystander pushed him. He landed on a air cushion and didn't die so it's kind of a silly story.

Have a safe holiday weekend and enjoy your time off if you get it.

Heeeeeere's Wally!


About May 2009

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in May 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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June 2009 is the next archive.

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