While taking care of the horses last week, we noticed the little colt was acting strangely. It was as if he was trying to throw up. I had always been told that horses cannot vomit so when he continued to wretch I called the vet. Just as the vet said that horses could not throw up, a large amount of foam came flying out of his mouth. I said "Ack! He just did!!!" and the vet said "Well, I'll be. I didn't know a horse could throw up, did you?"
After that, he appeared to be better for a bit. The vet said to keep a close eye on him and call back if he got worse again. A little later he started acting weird again so I rubbed his neck and patted and kissed his nose to keep him calm. After a few minutes of that, he coughed a giant horse cough right into my face and that was the end of it. He acted and looked as if nothing had happened.
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First off, if anyone is inspired to comment on this, keep in mind our 9 year old daughter reads this from school and no, I cannot block an entire IP range just to keep her out. That being said, I've just about had it already with the presidential process and the fallout. I don't remember this much bickering and backstabbing and name calling in the 80's or 90's. Maybe I just pay more attention now that I'm older.
Anyway, I am registered as an Independent. I have Democratic leanings but not enough to tow that party line. I abhor practically everything Republicans stand for. I have some Republican friends whom I love to the moon and back but I do NOT discuss politics with them.
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Todd's nephew has just been suspended from his Des Moines junior high school for drug use. No one even recognized the signs that trouble was looming. All we can do now is hope that his three day vacation from his peers will help rehabilitate his sorry butt.
Oh, his drug of choice...
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I've been up since 6 something. Todd is still in bed so I have to be still. I do not do that well. Up until my late 20s I could sleep til noon then sit on the couch all day if I had nothing to do. Now my on/off switch is stuck to ON and it kills me to respect someone else's right to rest and relax. Get up dammit!!! Get up and be miserable!!!
This four day weekend went by way too fast, didn't it?
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