October 03, 2002

For some reason my links are not showing up this morning. Hmmmm. I'm going to have to look into this further.

Posted by at October 03, 2002 10:50 AM | TrackBack

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Posted by: Hero on May 13, 2008 2:16 AM

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Posted by: superlearnmathngentot on July 13, 2010 6:28 AM

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Posted by: sibylbcoateb on August 2, 2010 6:49 PM


Sekitar 4-8 taon lalu, saya punya teman menjual barang kongsian kepada seorang penipu.

Tapi barangnya tidak dibayar.

Penipu tersebut menggunakan nama Yudi Kurniawan (mungkin bukan nama asli, maaf kalo ada yang namanya sama).

Ternyata sudah banyak orang yang menjadi korban. Mereka juga menjual barang dengan kongsian dan tidak dibayar.

Kerugian teman saya sekitar 35 juta. Teman dari teman saya juga rugi sekitar 30 juta.

Lalu kita dikirimi cek. Tapi cek itu ada tanggal mundurnya. Sudah gitu ceknya bukan atas nama dia.

Sesudah itu tilpon tidak dijawab kembali.

Ada yang memberi info kalo salah satu korbannya mengambil barang yang memang tidak dibayar. Eh, korbannya malah yang ditangkep polisi. Katanya mencuri. Padahal itu kan barang dia. Semua juga udah tau ini orang nipu nggak bakal bayar.

Saya dapat kabar dari korban lain kalo si Yudi Kurniawan ini ternyata memang sengaja menjual barang jauh dibawah harga pasar lalu emang nggak bayar. Dia nggak rencana bayar karena dia tahu dia tinggal nyogok polisi biar nggak di penajar.

Jadi modus operandinya kemungkinan besar begini (bisa jadi nggak persis, tapi kira kira):

1. Bilang kalau barang sudah ada yang mau beli dengan harga lebih tinggi (padahal tidak).
2. Korban kirim bayar. Yudi baru cari calon pembeli yang mau beli dengan harga murah.
3. Lalu tentu saja korban tidak dibayar. Uang dipakai untuk bayar pengacara/polisi (atau siapalah) biar nggak dipenjara.

Lalu teman saya iseng. Kita minta orang lain untuk tilpon Yudi. Siapa tau si Yudi emang lagi bangkrut lalu nggak bisa bayar. Kan kasian kalo diteken terus? Eh malah ditawarin lagi bisnis dengan modus operandi yang sama. Cuman kali ini tentu saja kita udah tau dia bakal nipu.

Karena curiga ada yang tidak beres, teman saya pun pergi ke Bali untuk menagih hutang.

Teman saya habis 6 juta lagi buat pergi ke Bali mengusut masalah ini. Kita pake teman kita polisi preman. Di depan polisi preman itu dia ngaku kalo emang dia udah nggak bakal bayar sebelum order. Dia sengaja nggak jawab tilpon karena nggak mau bayar.

Tau tau si Yudinya malah kabur. Katanya mau minjem duit buat bayar. Begitu teman saya balik ke Jakarta, eh dia udah ada lagi di rumahnya.

Jadi waktu diadukan ke kantor polisi nggak pernah teman saya dan Yudi di satu ruangan bersama polisi.

Padahal kalo dia betul nggak nipu dan niat baik, kan dia bisa ngomong baik baik di depan polisi kenyapa dia nggak bayar utang dan itu bukan penipuan. Misalnya ada kecelakaan, dst.

Akhirnya karena nggak ada teman saya di kantor polisi, si Yudi bisa meyakinkan polisi kalo kasusnya bukan penipuan tapi sekedar utang nggak bisa bayar (perdata). Padahal, kalo orang udah ada yang mau beli barang dengan harga lebih tinggi, bisnis gimana bisa rugi coba, kecuali kalo ada penipuan atau kecelakaan yang tidak diduga sebelumnya.

Orang yang nulis cek nggak jelas. Katanya dia ditipu juga ama si Yudi.

Temen saya niat baik tungguin nggak balik balik. Akhirnya kita deal ama polisi. Yang penting ini orang masuk penjara. Barang kita masih sisa ditempatnya Yudi. Ya sono deh barangnya kita bagi dua ama polisi. Tapi polisi bilang kalo ini barang belum bisa disita. Praduga nggak bersalah lah.

Begitu balik ke Jakarta si Yudinya udah ada lagi. Langsung di ciduk ama Kasad. Begitu sore statusnya jadi wajib lapor. Si Yudi itu bohong ama Kasad. Dia sengaja nggak mau dipertemukan dengan saksi korban di depan polisi. Tapi ngakunya cari duit. Padahal kita udah bilang tegas tidak mau damai kecuali semua dibayar lunas. Semua dibayar lunas pun kita nggak mau damai karena sudah rugi jutaan rupiah buat datang ke bali. Tapi kalo dibayar lunas ya kita nggak ada alasan lagi buat nuntut terus dong. Toh nggak mungkin ini.

Bahkan ada pengusaha terkenal di Bali rugi 300 juta. Kebetulan pengusaha itu punya koneksi ke polisi yang pangkatnya lebih tinggi lagi. Akhirnya si Yudi di adili dan dipenjara.

Nah ini yang aneh. Jaksa teman pengusaha yang dirugikan 300 juta itu mau menuntut Yudi dengan pasal kriminal penipuan berpola. Tapi polisi malah bilang "tidak ada korban lain"

Memang sebagian besar korban menerima sebagian dari uang mereka. Ini merubah status dari perdata ke pidana. Jadi bukannya nggak ada korban lain, tapi technically bukan pidana.

Tapi teman saya sudah menolak dengan tegas kesepakatan itu. Teman saya tidak mau damai kok. Paling tidak ada 1 kasus penipuan si Yudi ini yang seharusnya tetap pidana.

Langsung saya bilang ke orang itu kalo korban lain banyak. Teman saya salah satunya. Polisi bilang sudah damai. Padahal BELUM dan TIDAK akan pernah.

Kita diberi tahu apabila kita mau menerima sebagian kecil saja dari pembayaran, kasusnya berubah jadi perdata. Jadi dia merugikan kita 35 juta, lalu kita ditawarkan terima 8 juta misalnya. Karena dendam kita tidak memilih untuk berdamai sedikitpun. Demi keadilan kita ingin sampah ini dipenjara selama mungkin.

Akhirnya Yudi dipenjara karena kasus yang 300 juta itu. Kasus kasus lain nggak effek semua.

Tau nggak berapa bulan? Cuman 1 setengah taon. Padahal dia pasti udah ngabisin duit orang 400 juta sampe 1 miliar.

Tukang becak ngayuh becak bertaon taon nggak jadi 300 juta. Malah becaknya dirampas ama polisi dijadikan rumpon.

Cewek jalan malem malem di razia. Joki three in one ditangkepin. Seat belt diurusin. Tapi begitu orang nipu, polisi kok lamban banget ya?

Kalo ama tukang becak, pornography, wanita pemijat, yang mau sama mau, kok hukum bisa kejem banget? Kok begitu korbannya ada seperti kasus penipuan gini malah susah banget masukin orang kepenjara.

Coba kalo ada orang ke panti pijat. Apa itu orang mau lapor polisi kalo dia "korban" pemijatan plus plus? Tapi ini kasus penipuan, korbannya sampe terbang kebali kok nggak digubris?

Tapi ada kabar gembira. Saya barusan tilpon polisi. Polisi bilang kalo kasus temen saya bisa dibuka lagi. Katanya si Yudi akan dipenjara lebih lama kalo kasusnya pisah pisah. Bagus deh. Saya gembira sekali. Kita lihat saja nanti?

Memang susah disalain kalo polisi nggak mau nangkep maling. Saya punya temen polisi nembakin maling di kepala sampe puluhan. Bukannya dia jadi pahlawan nasional tapi malah dipenjara karena bunuh orang kebanyakan.

Meskipun teman saya sudah bisa menerima kehilangan uang 35 juta. Toh duit tinggal cari lagi. Kita tetap tidak bisa menerima orang jahat untung 35 juta karena kita.

Terus terang, saya berharap kalo sisa barang yang teman saya punya itu disita saja oleh polisi dan uangnya buat polisi yang memenjarakan Yudi. Saya lebih mending gitu dari pada uangnya dinikmati oleh orang yang menipu teman saya.

Pernah suatu waktu saya ke Bali. Saya lihat ada spanduk yang bilang kalo musuh masyarakat yang terbesar itu pelacur, narkoba, dan judi. Saya agak bingung. Soalnya taon sebelumnya Bali di bom. Kok terrorist nggak termasuk "musuh masyarakat" yang terbesar ya? Begitu saya pulang, eh Bali di Bom lagi. Abis mereka bukannya konsentrasi membantai terrorist malah nangkepin orang adu ayam. Daerah lain di Indo malah lebih gawat lagi.

Kalo negara kita sibuk ngurusin bisnis bisnis yang korbannya nggak ada, ya yang korbannya ada seperti terorist dan penipu gini jadi malah nggak dihukum. Ya tambah banyak deh kejadian.

Coba, suku bunga di Amerikan sekarang cuman .3% setaon. Kalo aja bangsa kita bisa dipercaya, pasti banyak dari uang tersebut sudah diinvestasikan di negara ini. Semua orang punya modal dagang, semua untung. Investor untung kita untung. Negara maju.

Tapi suku bunga di Indo tetap saja tinggi. Minjem duit buat modal susah. Kenyapa? Karena resiko penipuan tinggi. Kenyapa tinggi? Karena orang orang seperti Yudi nggak dipenjara. Itu kenyapa negara kita terus saja tertinggal dibanding Malaysia dan Singapore (yang melegalkan judi by the way).

Posted by: penipuanbahaya on August 31, 2010 12:44 AM

Here is a list of 100k+ thieves and burlgars' conviction records.

For the whole of their life, they'll quite likely never have a job because well, everyone knows their conviction records.

No body will ever get sued for millions of dollars again due to mistakenly hiring one of those vermin. In recession, somebody will be jobless. Doesn't have to be the good guy ;)

You can download it here: http://www16.zippyshare.com/v/92674005/file.html

I am still looking for more places I can freely scan vermin conviction records by the way, please let me know if you know any

Please email intmarkcoach@yahoo.ca if you know where I can scan that so I can keep doing this public service work.

Because these vermin won't get a job, you need to stay away from them because they are dangerous.

When you feel like one is nearby please cock your gun and wait for legal reasons.

Killing those vermins may result in trouble with laws

Not killing them may result in death.

Your call :) So please support more legal means to kill vermin.

This is to avenge my stolen properties 10 years ago by burglar in Madison. I hope all other thief victims do the same thing.

I hope millions of those vermin would get killed due to our acts :D.

Posted by: thievesconvictionrecord on August 31, 2010 6:18 AM

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One day you inherit LCD factories from your ancestors.

However, there doesn’t seem to be a market for LCD manufacturers. There is a huge underground market but nothing much is visible.

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“See. Most customers chose B&W TV,” say BWTV manufacturers

“Well, that's not a fair survey here,” say LCD manufacturers, “Look, plenty of those sluts are willing to break the law and buy LCD anyway in underground market. Many of which are attractive enough to get a high percentile black and white TV. Customers must strongly prefer LCD compared to black and white TV.”

“Customers wanting LCD compared to black and white TV is just your opinion. The truth is most customers pick black and white TV” say BWTV manufacturers.

“Well, that's because most popular better alternatives to B&W TV are illegal. Why not legalize all and see what customers would choose.” say LCD manufacturers.

“We can't let them be legal because LCD is so bad. Those few poor souls that buy LCD must have done so out of coercion and deception.” say B&W TV sellers.

There we go, a never ending argument in favor of legalization and against it, where the real issue will never show up.

Eventually, customers can vote too. LCD is legal. Black and white TV, simply disappear.

Well not simply. We have very jealous customers whose main agenda is to prevent other customers from getting better TV. Customers’ interest, as a collective goal, defined by the interest of customers that speak the loudest, is still in prevention of LCD legalization.

“Legalization of LCD will put power on the hand of LCD manufacturers to exploit hapless customers whose only option is black and white TV,” says a loud customer representative representing customers too ugly for LCD manufacturers to deal with.

“They’re not our target market anyway, why should we care what those ugly customers bitch about?” Say an LCD manufacturer telling all the other TV peddlers.

“Thinking that customers are LCD consuming object is offensive. You effectively judge what all customers are. Not all customers want LCD. Some do want black and white TV,” say other thoroughly brainwashed TV peddlers. “No body is an expert at what customers want. Different customers want different thing,” added dumb brainwashed TV peddlers.

“Okay, but those who want black and white TV are not my target market anyway. Why the hell should I care what they want. They’re not even pretty even if they do want LCDs, it still won’t work out,” answer one LCD sellers that have done comprehensive customers’ preference and want more customers.

Perhaps there is another solution. “What we need is more government help to allow customers to make their own TV,” says a self serving customer that also like to make home made patched up TV because no TV sellers want to sell their TV to them.

“Customers don't make their own TV,” say an evolutionist, “They have successfully reproduce through out millions of generation without any significant evolutionary pressure to make their own TV.”

“Customers' made TV fall below typical market standard. And yet we have all these bullshit regulations forcing buyers to value their lesser work at the same price,” complain most TV manufacturers, “Not to mention that each customer would take 9 months paid leave just to make one TV, while my typical TV suppliers don't need TV making paid leave.”

“Customers are good at something else, like buying TV.” says LCD manufacturers, “They should let TV manufacturing to us.”

“That's very sexist and offensive.” says customers' TV manufacturers' hybrid and other undesirable customers.

Finally LCD manufacturers find customers oversea and customers oversea often come to the land with the best TV manufacturers to get the best TV avoiding all those argument. Now customers on a land with better TV will have to compete with cheaper customers with no TV.

“We got to protect those customers from TV manufacturers.” say some customers, “Some of those traveling customers have no TV where they come from and hence, they are effectively forced to move here just to get better TV.”

“That is force.” says local customers that find price of TV skyrocketing everywhere due to this bootleg import of foreign customers, “We should prohibit that.”

I mean, c'mon. We know how this will really end. B&W TV will just go extinct. So all customers that can't afford LCD. B&W TV manufacturers are going bankrupt anyway. 50% of TV in US are not black and white as can be seen at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/5056489/Nearly-half-of-children-born-out-of-wedlock-official-figures-show.html and customers avoid bankrupt manufacturers like plague. Those who don't will go poof with TV they choose. Soon all the other countries will follow.

The same goes for any inefficient system. Eventually customers will specialize on what they're good at and simply buy TV from the best TV producers.

The question is, why isn't this work faster? Well, a few articles like this going around the world, with a little bandwidth, and B&W TV's fate will be sealed.

Posted by: kendaopotolskyo on December 29, 2010 3:43 AM

One day you inherit LCD factories from your ancestors.

However, there doesn’t seem to be a market for LCD manufacturers. There is a huge underground market but nothing much is visible.

“No body wants big LCD TV,” say black and white TV manufacturers.

“Thinking of customers as LCD TV buying object is offensive,” say customers that are not attractive enough to get an LCD.

“The invisible flying teapot hate LCD,” say pro black and white TV religious fundamentalists. “Our proof is faith, and our willingness to die and kill those who disagree,” says one of them while waving a suicide bomb vest. “By the way, do you agree?” Ask one of them.

“LCD TV is so bad, no customers would possibly want it anyway and hence must be prohibited,” say black and white TV sellers. “Also all customers want black and white TV anyway.”

“But then, why not let customers choose?” ask LCD sellers, many of which don’t know what is really going on. “Customers maximize their profit right? If all consensual options are legal, they will automatically pick what’s best for them,” say LCD sellers, not knowing the real issue.

“Well, even though LCD TV is so bad compared to black and white TV, customers would actually buy LCD if both can be done legally and openly under LCD’s customers’ exploitation schemes,” say black and white TV sellers.

“How the hell we know it's bad if not by letting customers decide?” ask LCD manufacturers.

“Well, why don't we ask?” say BWTV manufacturers, “Of course any customers that want LCD rather than black and white TV is a slut we need to rehabilitate.”

“I am not a slut,” say most customers.

“See. Most customers chose B&W TV,” say BWTV manufacturers

“Well, that's not a fair survey here,” say LCD manufacturers, “Look, plenty of those sluts are willing to break the law and buy LCD anyway in underground market. Many of which are attractive enough to get a high percentile black and white TV. Customers must strongly prefer LCD compared to black and white TV.”

“Customers wanting LCD compared to black and white TV is just your opinion. The truth is most customers pick black and white TV” say BWTV manufacturers.

“Well, that's because most popular better alternatives to B&W TV are illegal. Why not legalize all and see what customers would choose.” say LCD manufacturers.

“We can't let them be legal because LCD is so bad. Those few poor souls that buy LCD must have done so out of coercion and deception.” say B&W TV sellers.

There we go, a never ending argument in favor of legalization and against it, where the real issue will never show up.

Eventually, customers can vote too. LCD is legal. Black and white TV, simply disappear.

Well not simply. We have very jealous customers whose main agenda is to prevent other customers from getting better TV. Customers’ interest, as a collective goal, defined by the interest of customers that speak the loudest, is still in prevention of LCD legalization.

“Legalization of LCD will put power on the hand of LCD manufacturers to exploit hapless customers whose only option is black and white TV,” says a loud customer representative representing customers too ugly for LCD manufacturers to deal with.

“They’re not our target market anyway, why should we care what those ugly customers bitch about?” Say an LCD manufacturer telling all the other TV peddlers.

“Thinking that customers are LCD consuming object is offensive. You effectively judge what all customers are. Not all customers want LCD. Some do want black and white TV,” say other thoroughly brainwashed TV peddlers. “No body is an expert at what customers want. Different customers want different thing,” added dumb brainwashed TV peddlers.

“Okay, but those who want black and white TV are not my target market anyway. Why the hell should I care what they want. They’re not even pretty even if they do want LCDs, it still won’t work out,” answer one LCD sellers that have done comprehensive customers’ preference and want more customers.

Perhaps there is another solution. “What we need is more government help to allow customers to make their own TV,” says a self serving customer that also like to make home made patched up TV because no TV sellers want to sell their TV to them.

“Customers don't make their own TV,” say an evolutionist, “They have successfully reproduce through out millions of generation without any significant evolutionary pressure to make their own TV.”

“Customers' made TV fall below typical market standard. And yet we have all these bullshit regulations forcing buyers to value their lesser work at the same price,” complain most TV manufacturers, “Not to mention that each customer would take 9 months paid leave just to make one TV, while my typical TV suppliers don't need TV making paid leave.”

“Customers are good at something else, like buying TV.” says LCD manufacturers, “They should let TV manufacturing to us.”

“That's very sexist and offensive.” says customers' TV manufacturers' hybrid and other undesirable customers.

Finally LCD manufacturers find customers oversea and customers oversea often come to the land with the best TV manufacturers to get the best TV avoiding all those argument. Now customers on a land with better TV will have to compete with cheaper customers with no TV.

“We got to protect those customers from TV manufacturers.” say some customers, “Some of those traveling customers have no TV where they come from and hence, they are effectively forced to move here just to get better TV.”

“That is force.” says local customers that find price of TV skyrocketing everywhere due to this bootleg import of foreign customers, “We should prohibit that.”

I mean, c'mon. We know how this will really end. B&W TV will just go extinct. So all customers that can't afford LCD. B&W TV manufacturers are going bankrupt anyway. 50% of TV in US are not black and white as can be seen at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/5056489/Nearly-half-of-children-born-out-of-wedlock-official-figures-show.html and customers avoid bankrupt manufacturers like plague. Those who don't will go poof with TV they choose. Soon all the other countries will follow.

The same goes for any inefficient system. Eventually customers will specialize on what they're good at and simply buy TV from the best TV producers.

The question is, why isn't this work faster? Well, a few articles like this going around the world, with a little bandwidth, and B&W TV's fate will be sealed.

Posted by: kendaopotolskyo on December 29, 2010 6:42 AM

hello guys

I just want to say hi

Posted by: nildantracen on December 29, 2010 9:54 AM

hello guys

I just want to say hi

Posted by: leonafmasonef on December 29, 2010 1:06 PM

hello guys

I just want to say hi

Posted by: antionetteychacey on December 29, 2010 4:19 PM

hello guys

I just want to say hi

Posted by: libertyjvoedischj on December 29, 2010 7:31 PM

duramax filter housing o ring kits filter duramax duramax duramax fuel filter duramax diesel fuel duramax diesel fuel duramax fuel filter duramax diesel fuel

Some vermin whose site are related to above keyword is harrassing one of us with false accustion. Stay away from dmax wrench kit dot com

Reasoning doesn't work. Evidence doesn't work. Trying to get that vermin to explain publicly what the accusation is so things can be corrected doesn't work. Maggot keep taking evasive action now that he start seeing that he may lost reputation if he's wrong.

Only one thing will work, extermination of vermins.

Some humans don't deserve to be called homo sapiens due to their lack or reason ability and should be dealed with extreme cautioned. Stay away at all costs.

Posted by: nildantracen on December 30, 2010 1:35 AM

Do not talk to them. They're too dangerous.

NH resident Ward Bird was sentenced to 3 to 6 years for defending his property from a trespasser by showing the trespasser his gun. There are signs along the private road leading up to his house that read private keep out.


Some idiot bitch insist on tresspasing to his property. Rather than shooting the bitch out, Ward kindly show his gun. For that he got 3-6 years in prison.

Tell us what to do next time another bitch show up.

If I were him, I wouldn't bother threatening. I would shot the bitch on the leg and arms to make sure she died as slowly as possible. She is told to leave. What's her problem?

Beware of idiotic ugly bitches. They're dangerous.

Posted by: leonafmasonef on December 31, 2010 6:55 AM

Imagine a bucket of water, with one small hole on the bottom. Only one small hole. However, that one small hole is as good as 100 because all the water will go away anyway through that one small hole.

Those who truly want to keep water on the side should make sure there is no hole at all. Looks like freedom is winning that holes are poping out. I see that more holes will be coming and all water of prosperity will flow and reproduce as freedom and justice dictate.

Recently I've heard that price of electronics are going to get lower. Government have signed Asian Free Trade Agreement and has been cancelling tariff for all electronic goods.

Then I see porn stars are coming to Indonesia making movie, a country with 85% muslim majority. Censorship ministers claim that they want to prevent those porn stars from coming, however, they can't. What? Can't? Government cannot prevent porn star from coming?

Yap guys. There is such thing as muslim moderate.

Around 100 million at least in my country. Not only they tolerate me drinking beer, I drink with them. That's one easy way to differentiate them. Actually they drink more than I am and teach me stuffs I won't even admit publicly. He he he...

What happened?

Say I have a bad shop. Then another shop sell better product at more expensive price. Then, I would destroy that shop and poof, there goes customers' freedom to pick shop.

Say there are 10 other better shops. Now destroying other alternatives will start becoming a hard work. It'll be much easier to improve or change niche rather than destroying shops and often.

Imagine if there is just 1 invincible better shop. That one better shop will drive market price so low, it's no longer worth it to destroy all the other shops.

People love freedom because those people want others to choose. They want others to choose because others would choose them if they were free. Others choose them because those people have something positive to offer.

When freedom is stiffled, high value people will be unhappy.

Then come globalization. It's not a lot. Basically goods can move around freely. That's all. Humans can't move around as freely as goods.

But that's good enough because those freedom will grow.

If people can't move outside, the factory and capital then move to countries with cheaper workers. So price is going low. Then those goods will move to any buying countries anyway freely.

That means sallary difference will drop.

When sallary difference drops, there will be less intensive to bother restricting immigration.

That means sallary level will drop even further. The holes will grow.

Not only that.

Now if high value stuffs, namely people, capital, or entrepreneurs are moving to countries with more favorable treatment, there would be strong intensive among the power elite to treat high value people better.

Not so much better that they get paid more than their productivity. However, it should be good enough that they get paid more than what they would have gotten from other countries.

That means we will keep more of our income, especially if we're rich.

I see that already.

Rich entrepreneurs have so many tax loophole. Their land value go up and they don't pay income tax on that. Even most of their expense, including schooling, food, are business expense that aren't taxed.

Why do they have so many tax loophole? Because it's useless to tax them. If government play tough on them, they'll simply move to another country.

Of course there are other dark sides effect too. If government prohibit too many things, mafia and corruptors will allow it.

So if we still bitch about life not being free, think about it. Maybe we're just not high value enough.

And if people are being productive, they obviously want a system where the productive get rich. They want justice and meritocracy. So things are self fulfilling, like snowball rolling down.

Another sample is marriage.

In ancient time, those who don't get married can't even have sex and go extinct, which is worst than dead. Then free sex is legal. That means you can have sex outside marriage but you can't commit money to your girls.

Actually you still have to pay child support and government regulates the amount so much. You can't even make deals with the girls about it.

But that's fine. Marriage drops significantly because of it.

Then, marriage start getting privatized. Prostitution start becoming legal. Combined with globalization, prettiest girls would start moving somewhere else.

Rather than asking what are we allowed to do, we should ask what we can actually do? Government is just human, not god. They have a limited power.

Before people used to believe that government is either God or from God. Now, they can just check the internet to see all the flaws, holes, and weakness of government.

Perhaps we can ask what can a government do? Prohibit porn and we'll have the prettiest girls moving somewhere else. Raise minimum wage, and jobs would move overseas. Raise income tax, and highly effective people will acquire their 9th habit, get the fuck out.

What good is freedom if people don't know they have a choice? Well we can always spread the gospel of freedom. It's called porn. But government censor it? Nah.... We got internet.

What about drugs? Well, government says that drugs are dangerous. Again, internet shows that many illegal drugs are far saver than the legal ones. How long can government keep up the lie.

Like holes in the bucket, we need only to win one small prick.

Libertarian dreams will be more and more true.

Eventually, all will be free.

Posted by: antionetteychacey on December 31, 2010 10:00 AM

One day you inherit LCD factories from your ancestors.

However, there doesn’t seem to be a market for LCD manufacturers. There is a huge underground market but nothing much is visible.

“No body wants big LCD TV,” say black and white TV manufacturers.

“Thinking of customers as LCD TV buying object is offensive,” say customers that are not attractive enough to get an LCD.

“The invisible flying teapot hate LCD,” say pro black and white TV religious fundamentalists. “Our proof is faith, and our willingness to die and kill those who disagree,” says one of them while waving a suicide bomb vest. “By the way, do you agree?” Ask one of them.

“LCD TV is so bad, no customers would possibly want it anyway and hence must be prohibited,” say black and white TV sellers. “Also all customers want black and white TV anyway.”

“But then, why not let customers choose?” ask LCD sellers, many of which don’t know what is really going on. “Customers maximize their profit right? If all consensual options are legal, they will automatically pick what’s best for them,” say LCD sellers, not knowing the real issue.

“Well, even though LCD TV is so bad compared to black and white TV, customers would actually buy LCD if both can be done legally and openly under LCD’s customers’ exploitation schemes,” say black and white TV sellers.

“How the hell we know it’s bad if not by letting customers decide?” ask LCD manufacturers.

“Well, why don’t we ask?” say BWTV manufacturers, “Of course any customers that want LCD rather than black and white TV is a slut we need to rehabilitate.”

“I am not a slut,” say most customers.

“See. Most customers chose B&W TV,” say BWTV manufacturers

“Well, that’s not a fair survey here,” say LCD manufacturers, “Look, plenty of those sluts are willing to break the law and buy LCD anyway in underground market. Many of which are attractive enough to get a high percentile black and white TV. Customers must strongly prefer LCD compared to black and white TV.”

“Customers wanting LCD compared to black and white TV is just your opinion. The truth is most customers pick black and white TV” say BWTV manufacturers.

“Well, that’s because most popular better alternatives to B&W TV are illegal. Why not legalize all and see what customers would choose.” say LCD manufacturers.

“We can’t let them be legal because LCD is so bad. Those few poor souls that buy LCD must have done so out of coercion and deception.” say B&W TV sellers.

There we go, a never ending argument in favor of legalization and against it, where the real issue will never show up.

Eventually, customers can vote too. LCD is legal. Black and white TV, simply disappear.

Well not simply. We have very jealous customers whose main agenda is to prevent other customers from getting better TV. Customers’ interest, as a collective goal, defined by the interest of customers that speak the loudest, is still in prevention of LCD legalization.

“Legalization of LCD will put power on the hand of LCD manufacturers to exploit hapless customers whose only option is black and white TV,” says a loud customer representative representing customers too ugly for LCD manufacturers to deal with.

“They’re not our target market anyway, why should we care what those ugly customers bitch about?” Say an LCD manufacturer telling all the other TV peddlers.

“Thinking that customers are LCD consuming object is offensive. You effectively judge what all customers are. Not all customers want LCD. Some do want black and white TV,” say other thoroughly brainwashed TV peddlers. “No body is an expert at what customers want. Different customers want different thing,” added dumb brainwashed TV peddlers.

“Okay, but those who want black and white TV are not my target market anyway. Why the hell should I care what they want. They’re not even pretty even if they do want LCDs, it still won’t work out,” answer one LCD sellers that have done comprehensive customers’ preference and want more customers.

Perhaps there is another solution. “What we need is more government help to allow customers to make their own TV,” says a self serving customer that also like to make home made patched up TV because no TV sellers want to sell their TV to them.

“Customers don’t make their own TV,” say an evolutionist, “They have successfully reproduce through out millions of generation without any significant evolutionary pressure to make their own TV.”

“Customers’ made TV fall below typical market standard. And yet we have all these bullshit regulations forcing buyers to value their lesser work at the same price,” complain most TV manufacturers, “Not to mention that each customer would take 9 months paid leave just to make one TV, while my typical TV suppliers don’t need TV making paid leave.”

“Customers are good at something else, like buying TV.” says LCD manufacturers, “They should let TV manufacturing to us.”

“That’s very sexist and offensive.” says customers’ TV manufacturers’ hybrid and other undesirable customers.

Finally LCD manufacturers find customers oversea and customers oversea often come to the land with the best TV manufacturers to get the best TV avoiding all those argument. Now customers on a land with better TV will have to compete with cheaper customers with no TV.

“We got to protect those customers from TV manufacturers.” say some customers, “Some of those traveling customers have no TV where they come from and hence, they are effectively forced to move here just to get better TV.”

“That is force.” says local customers that find price of TV skyrocketing everywhere due to this bootleg import of foreign customers, “We should prohibit that.”

I mean, c’mon. We know how this will really end. B&W TV will just go extinct. So all customers that can’t afford LCD. B&W TV manufacturers are going bankrupt anyway. 50% of TV in US are not black and white as can be seen at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/5056489/Nearly-half-of-children-born-out-of-wedlock-official-figures-show.html and customers avoid bankrupt manufacturers like plague. Those who don’t will go poof with TV they choose. Soon all the other countries will follow.

The same goes for any inefficient system. Eventually customers will specialize on what they’re good at and simply buy TV from the best TV producers.

The question is, why isn’t this work faster? Well, a few articles like this going around the world, with a little bandwidth, and B&W TV’s fate will be sealed.

Posted by: libertyjvoedischj on December 31, 2010 10:28 AM

Stay away from Katherine Trimble.

She's an idiot, lunatic. Just trying to befriend that thing is dangerous.

Stay away at all costs. Stay away from that thing and all her friend.

Also she is quite likely a feminazis and an ugly bitch. Hence must be exterminated.

Just legalize all consensual choice and all her kind will be out of the gene pool and future babes will be prettier and thinner.

Fuck off ugly bitches.

Posted by: rochellfblewsf on January 1, 2011 11:42 PM

Stay away from Katherine Trimble.

She's an idiot, lunatic. Just trying to befriend that thing is dangerous.

Stay away at all costs. Stay away from that thing and all her friend.

Also she is quite likely a feminazis and an ugly bitch. Hence must be exterminated.

Just legalize all consensual acts and ugly bitches like that thing will be outcompeted of the gene pool. Not that they won't bitch about it.

Posted by: olivesmotzers on January 1, 2011 11:55 PM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|BANKS, MATTHEW G|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|182|02/08/2008|12/19/1986
|BRITT, TONY R|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|BROWN|6'00''|160|01/13/2006|08/02/1980
|TAWNEY, BENJAMIN S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|165|03/01/2001|06/24/1975
|MOORE, JOSHUA A|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|187|08/06/2007|05/12/1986
|CHILDS, TOBY L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|219|09/26/2005|04/30/1958
|LAKE, WILLIAM H|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'09''|155|06/09/2006|04/12/1960
|PEREZ, JERRY|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|150|12/07/2004|08/10/1980
|GREGORY, CYNTHIA|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|179|02/01/2009|09/15/1981
|FLOOD, BARRY A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|197|03/01/1999|11/06/1946
|SIPPIO, DOUGLAS J JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|209|10/17/2007|09/06/1973
|DEPRATTER, CORY R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|170|12/24/2003|10/02/1981
|FRY, NATHAN P|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'10''|163|05/09/2005|09/16/1981
|JOHNSON, ROBERT L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|202|01/04/2005|05/21/1964
|PETTAWAY, DARRYL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|154|10/31/2003|04/01/1966
|ROGERS, MARCUS R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'02''|254|06/08/2009|07/17/1986
|SHILLINGFORD, KEHINDI|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|133|03/27/2007|12/11/1984
|GREEN, LAMONT D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|170|02/05/2006|06/06/1982
|MEKETSY, MARK|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|202|04/16/2007|07/03/1964
|ARMSTRONG, VINCENT P|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|200|05/03/2004|11/30/1964
|MACNICOL, MICHAEL G|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'06''|158|09/24/2005|08/02/1962
|THOMAS, OTIS J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|184|06/02/2007|08/02/1954
|GUNTER, FRANKLIN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|200|04/25/2003|08/08/1966
|HALL, ANDRE J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|188|05/19/2007|02/14/1979
|TERRAS, FRANK|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'10''|185|08/31/1999|08/11/1970
|MOSES, PAMELA E|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|154|02/20/2006|08/18/1973
|CASTLEBERRY, JOSEPH S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|173|11/01/2003|09/07/1968
|MITCHELL, DONALD|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|158|03/31/2005|07/06/1966
|GOMEZ, PABLO|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|132|03/01/2004|07/22/1981
|HOLT, ANTONIO D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|259|01/01/2009|01/18/1983
|KEYS, TEMIA L|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|312|12/01/2006|07/22/1977
|COHEN, DAVID M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|135|05/21/2009|03/30/1966
|HAWTHORNE, BOBBY M|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|151|06/25/2006|10/14/1952
|AVERY, KEITH R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|148|03/09/2006|09/14/1970
|MURPHY, JOHN R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|199|01/19/2001|08/07/1955
|LUGO, ERVIN|HISPANIC|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|159|03/16/2000|05/05/1975
|HARRIS, ROOSEVELT|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|224|03/01/2004|05/26/1964
|MCPHERSON, DENNIS J|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|GREEN|5'10''|188|04/11/2001|01/14/1955
|EDWARDS, DANIEL|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|225|09/19/2006|09/03/1973
|CONFER, JOHN|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|HAZEL|5'06''|144|12/31/1997|03/16/1958
|JACKSON, KELVIN T|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|176|07/01/2004|01/15/1961
|SANDER, HOWARD|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|167|11/03/2004|10/19/1959
|MCKOY, ANTONIO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|299|10/07/2003|06/18/1976
|PETERS, CEDRIC|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|245|11/01/2000|12/26/1971
|HOLDING, CHRISTOPHER L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|134|07/01/2001|09/06/1976
|OROZCO, RONALD|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|185|10/13/2004|04/05/1981
|CURFMAN, BRAD L|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|HAZEL|6'00''|168|07/03/2002|03/13/1960
|BENAVIEDAS, LEON|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|180|01/30/2003|02/25/1951
|LEDFORD, LUKE S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|185|02/20/2005|12/05/1975
|ANDERSON, MILTON|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|152|02/08/2008|08/16/1980
|JENKINS, BRIAN|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|BROWN|6'03''|215|11/05/1998|09/21/1968
|KUNA, ROBERT|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'01''|173|10/19/1998|08/16/1955
|HERRMANN, KEVIN T|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|BLUE|5'09''|199|11/01/1998|08/29/1966
|CONNOLLY, RONNIE|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|135|12/21/2007|09/08/1950
|PRINCE, HERBERT L SR.|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|249|01/25/1999|01/17/1952
|MULLINS, MARLON D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|189|09/23/2007|12/15/1975
|GOMES, AUSTIN R|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|158|09/24/2007|08/24/1971
|MAROTTA, MICHAEL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'07''|165|12/17/2008|03/24/1977
|WOOD, MICHAEL A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'11''|210|01/01/2007|12/08/1958
|MASTROENI, NATHANIEL J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|160|12/10/2008|07/10/1980
|COOPER, ANTHONY M|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|152|07/01/2000|11/17/1963
|BROWN, KEITH A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'00''|205|02/01/2001|03/18/1972
|KNIGHT, RONNIE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|205|08/13/2008|07/29/1973
|KLINAKIS, PAUL J|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|175|09/05/2007|01/16/1973
|SAMUELS, JOSHUA S|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|212|04/19/2009|04/10/1987
|LEONARD, HARRIET E|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|200|08/19/2007|07/24/1961
|LEWIS, ALONZO JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|265|07/01/2000|08/29/1953

Posted by: katriceqrabinowitzq on January 2, 2011 1:01 AM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|FOTE, JOSEPH|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'09''|146|12/22/2008|08/02/1963
|BECK, ANTHONY W|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'10''|148|05/08/2007|04/05/1983
|CORNETT, CATHERINE M|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|152|10/05/2007|05/21/1957
|BAGER, STEFAN W|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'11''|195|12/03/2005|01/25/1981
|ROBINSON, JEAN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|211|12/20/2005|12/08/1982
|LOVE, JAMES|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|172|03/03/2009|02/25/1965
|KOSTER, STEVEN J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|154|12/01/1997|01/30/1970
|YOUNG, ROBERT|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|173|02/11/2009|12/20/1977
|MCDOUGAL, PATRICK W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|155|10/31/2007|02/08/1982
|KNAUSS, DOUGLAS E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|159|11/27/2006|06/24/1954
|SIRMAN, ROBERT J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'01''|169|06/18/2002|06/15/1970
|THOMPSON, ROBERT|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|216|12/09/2001|01/25/1957
|HAMRICK, HAL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|138|01/22/2009|04/18/1966
|AKINS, EUGENE A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|306|01/12/2007|02/16/1970
|FILSAIME, SHON|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|200|05/21/2000|12/04/1979
|IVORY, RONALD D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|187|08/01/2008|08/09/1976
|AUGER, SHAWNA|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|190|10/15/2004|01/15/1976
|ADKINS, MITCHEL J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|195|07/18/2007|01/09/1953
|SMITH, TELLY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|183|12/23/2006|08/02/1974
|KEY, RENALDA L|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|140|07/28/2004|01/13/1978
|GASPARD, SHANE M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|200|08/01/2005|06/05/1974
|URENA, MOISES|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|174|03/29/2006|10/23/1972
|DUNLAP, WILLIE C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|222|12/24/2001|01/09/1957
|BROWN, CORY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|162|02/02/2009|08/29/1979
|VICKERS, DANNY E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|164|12/05/2007|09/18/1965
|TORTORA, JAMES P|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|185|12/28/2008|08/11/1981
|ADAMS, MICHAEL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|180|04/01/1999|12/26/1972
|SHEDDAN, RICHARD K|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|142|02/12/2009|08/08/1962
|GRIGGS, TANYA V|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|101|01/27/2008|07/20/1964
|SLAUGHTER, CHESLEY L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|165|09/09/2005|07/28/1960
|GORDAN, AUDREY R|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|277|05/24/2007|03/11/1956
|MCCLOUD, CHESTER V JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'04''|200|06/04/2009|01/07/1973
|KOONCE, CURTIS J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|207|05/04/2009|03/17/1973
|FULLER, CAROLYN D|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLACK|5'05''|162|10/22/2006|06/02/1961
|CARTER, BILLY H|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|167|12/19/2003|02/19/1981
|HOFFMAN, JEREMY S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'04''|165|11/19/2003|04/20/1976
|VASQUEZ, STEVEN|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|159|06/25/2008|12/13/1962
|BERRY, WILLIAM W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'10''|175|11/15/2006|06/24/1969
|PEZZA, ANTHONY|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|178|10/14/2000|05/12/1952
|GERHART, JAMES A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|139|11/20/2003|05/10/1983
|HANNAH, JUDSON E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|166|08/14/2008|02/07/1975
|JOHNSON, MICHAEL C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|229|04/11/2009|02/20/1968
|MCCARDLE, JOSHUA M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'11''|169|06/01/2005|11/07/1985
|OATES, RICHARD J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'05''|206|03/07/2006|01/27/1974
|RASHA, SHELDON A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|186|08/12/2008|08/13/1988
|HAYDEN, OWEN M III|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|146|04/27/2006|05/28/1976
|DEYTON, JIMMY|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|6'03''|205|03/24/2005|04/27/1965
|HEATH, RICHARD L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|210|06/17/2006|06/30/1976
|JOHNSON, DARIN L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|179|11/01/2007|12/20/1966
|RAMIREZ, GUSTAVO|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|195|06/17/2005|07/29/1977
|SMITH, TONY R JR|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'09''|173|02/21/2009|07/18/1983
|NEWSOM, MARK H|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|127|07/01/2002|03/14/1957
|CUMMINGS, STEVE A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|192|05/01/1998|09/08/1956
|GLAZEBROOK, JOSEPH L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'04''|163|11/12/2003|03/16/1978
|STAUFFER, DONALD L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|183|07/28/2003|01/02/1969
|MURPHY, KAREY S|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|150|03/31/2007|01/08/1986
|HAMMOND, BERNARD S|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|165|06/08/2002|06/30/1979
|O BRYANT, JAMES|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|176|07/13/2003|04/10/1945
|LATINI, JOSHUA P|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|150|06/17/2003|05/16/1976
|KELLY, JOHN L|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|GREEN|6'01''|201|06/01/1999|07/28/1971
|BOGAERT, LAURENCE A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'02''|220|12/31/1997|09/29/1961
|O BRIEN, JUSTIN L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'07''|149|06/12/2008|09/25/1979
|SANCHEZ, LUIS S|BLACK|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|172|09/30/2003|09/05/1975
|SMITH, ANTONIO L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|202|12/14/2004|02/10/1971
|PHILLIPS, TERRY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|195|07/11/2006|04/29/1967
|WALLACE, KENNETH T|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|174|02/05/2008|01/14/1962
|PIERCE, CHAD W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|150|06/01/2003|05/01/1966
|CASANOVA, JOSE A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|130|06/01/2007|06/29/1980
|CLUTE, ERIC|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|6'02''|180|09/05/2000|06/12/1973

Posted by: kathezpfaffingerz on January 2, 2011 3:36 AM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|SWANSON, RACHEL R|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'01''|128|07/06/2007|12/01/1983
|SMITH, TELLY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|183|12/23/2006|08/02/1974
|RICKSEN, DAVID|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'05''|250|10/07/2000|10/18/1952
|CHEVELON, KERE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|160|02/22/2004|10/19/1982
|SAUNDERS, CHRISTOPHER L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'09''|210|05/09/2004|07/02/1979
|SHERROD, CHERYLE R|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|99|03/01/2008|09/06/1957
|EDWARDS, DELORES S|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'01''|204|12/01/2007|08/23/1961
|DOWE, WAYNE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|175|04/20/2003|02/04/1983
|TROTT, DONNA L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'02''|218|03/03/2004|12/16/1965
|DUNCAN, PATRICK D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|174|08/09/2001|10/25/1965
|SKANDER, DAVID|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'10''|155|10/30/1999|09/03/1969
|MIZE, TERRY L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|191|04/06/2007|09/09/1963
|CALLAHAN, ALEX R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'01''|150|04/06/1998|06/01/1967
|VERNON, WALDIMAR A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|161|01/17/2006|06/07/1986
|BROWN, GABRIEL D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|180|09/23/2006|03/03/1971
|BACQUIE, ORLANDO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|203|05/01/2003|12/13/1958
|PETERSON, SYLVESTER|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|181|02/08/2008|01/30/1965
|WILLIAMS, TONY R|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|190|04/01/2009|12/07/1970
|JOHNSON, MICHAEL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|130|11/04/2004|09/06/1966
|NICHOLS, CHRISTOPHER L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|193|12/10/2006|02/20/1984
|ELLISON, JEFFREY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|240|08/12/1998|01/18/1965
|SCOTT, NATHAN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|134|08/01/2005|07/13/1960
|CHRONABERRY, NICOLE|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'00''|142|02/01/2006|09/27/1973
|TADDEO, MICHAEL R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|161|02/24/2008|08/18/1960
|ECHEVARRIA, ROBERT|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|148|11/27/2007|05/16/1982
|THOMPSON, MIRIAM L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'06''|174|07/20/2007|02/20/1968
|JERNEE, ANTHONY R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'02''|248|09/01/2008|05/09/1977
|PITTMAN, BRUCE N|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|176|12/11/2004|10/26/1959
|KELLER, JUSTIN T|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|155|11/17/2007|05/30/1982
|GROUX, DAWN M|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'03''|195|03/09/2008|09/21/1967
|REVEL, JERMAINE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|186|01/21/2008|10/06/1970
|PERRY, KENNETH O|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|215|04/22/2008|12/16/1961
|CLEMENTS, TRAVON A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|172|09/24/2008|07/03/1974
|BROWN, MICHAEL|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|165|08/26/2005|01/20/1983
|BOOKER, MICHAEL W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|180|05/19/2005|07/02/1964
|WILLIAMS, CARLTON C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|160|01/25/2007|12/01/1960
|CASTRO, ALFREDO A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|218|10/14/2001|05/02/1977
|INGRAM, DENEALLIS A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|204|10/01/2007|07/22/1984
|BRYANT, WILLIE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|144|11/04/2006|12/29/1982
|MCELROY, CLINTON H|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'06''|234|11/19/2000|03/18/1954
|GREEN, ROBERT|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|176|02/15/2002|11/28/1961
|RUTZEBECK, RICHARD C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'05''|111|10/27/2003|10/04/1965
|FLOYD, NEAL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|218|12/17/2005|10/11/1949
|LAY, CHRISTOPHER L|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|BLUE|5'10''|164|11/14/2004|07/06/1984
|CURRY, JOHNNY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|162|02/10/2005|03/06/1951
|DILLMAN, KENNETH G|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|182|02/13/2003|05/14/1980
|HOGG, STEVEN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|173|10/22/2003|12/11/1969
|WHIPPLE, CHRISTOPHER|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'08''|146|01/06/2005|08/20/1982
|DANNOLFO, ANTHONY J|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|199|07/07/2006|11/11/1967
|WHITE, ALBERT L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|185|12/08/1998|06/11/1971
|SCHUMACHER, JAMES H|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'01''|254|05/05/2004|05/03/1971
|VANN, STEPHEN L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'01''|175|10/24/1997|07/12/1968
|COLLINS, RONALD K|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|213|03/31/2001|01/22/1959
|SAGINARIO, MICHAEL|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|235|05/27/2009|10/20/1970
|SCOTT, VARIAN V|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|213|01/03/2005|01/09/1973
|BROWN, DEVON L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|205|02/25/2000|06/23/1959
|STRIDIRION, CARLOS|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|196|04/01/2001|11/04/1970
|PHILLIPS, MICHAEL A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|189|06/20/2006|04/08/1956
|WATSON, BRENDA C|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|203|10/15/2003|10/13/1951
|KING, WALTER R SR.|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|GREEN|5'09''|201|06/26/1998|03/07/1942
|PEMBERTON, DAVID L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'05''|146|12/01/2007|04/16/1979
|ODUM, DEMETREUS A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|200|08/27/2008|07/16/1977
|HOSLEY, LEONARD L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|150|02/17/2008|09/12/1951
|DUKES, KELVIN E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|220|07/12/2006|06/09/1963
|MARTIN, ALPHONSO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|147|02/26/2009|02/28/1974
|KAISER, ERNEST JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|148|09/17/2008|06/20/1986
|ZIMMERMAN, JAYSON|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|HAZEL|5'10''|148|01/19/2006|09/13/1982
|PERKINS, CLARENCE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|150|05/08/2000|07/21/1952
|BURKES, TERRENCE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|190|04/02/1999|05/14/1964
|LUNSFORD, FRANCIS L JR|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|156|04/06/2009|08/20/1974
|BROWN, DONTA R|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|164|05/12/2008|01/09/1987
|JOHNSON, DANIEL L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|176|11/07/2007|06/08/1968
|MAPLE, ROBERT L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'02''|135|12/17/2008|08/30/1979
|CHRISTIAN, JOEY F|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'09''|205|02/28/2008|11/03/1971
|PROCELLA, RAYMOND|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|170|01/22/1998|12/01/1956
|OROURKE, DANIEL R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'02''|185|08/19/2008|06/19/1984

Posted by: ligiapspeltsp on January 2, 2011 4:00 AM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|HOWZE, ANTHONY L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|223|09/09/2005|11/22/1973
|KIRTLEY, JOSHUA R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|176|09/01/2008|12/25/1983
|MORRISON, RONALD E JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|166|06/03/2008|10/30/1971
|HUDIE, GARY L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'09''|158|09/29/2005|09/13/1980
|MUELLER, MICHAEL K|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|163|02/23/2008|12/04/1954
|JACKSON, ALLENA L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'04''|185|07/28/2007|03/14/1978
|CORBETT, JAMES|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|138|04/15/2005|11/02/1967
|SCHUMAN, JEFFREY E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|206|12/07/2005|05/24/1975
|LEE, JOHNNY E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|177|09/01/2003|06/02/1972
|GROSSMAN, BRADLY M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'06''|160|01/16/2001|04/13/1981
|DAVIS, MICHAEL R|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'04''|178|04/28/2006|04/16/1966
|PEREZ, RUBEN JR.|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|120|05/25/1998|01/24/1977
|KUCERA, VITEZSLAV|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|GREEN|6'00''|210|08/02/2003|10/15/1969
|WILSON, CHRISTOPHER|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|223|07/24/2006|12/25/1961
|PAYNE, RICKY L|WHITE|MALE|GRAY OR PARTIALLY GRAY|BLUE|5'04''|134|05/07/2008|12/19/1957
|GIVENS, RALPH E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|133|06/07/1999|10/09/1954
|HENRY, LUTHER|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|180|05/07/2002|09/13/1974
|WALKER, ROBERT L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|142|06/22/2004|11/20/1958
|BEAUCHEMIN, DESARIE D|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|149|05/01/2004|04/08/1973
|ARNETT, JOSEPH N|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|168|05/20/2005|07/28/1954
|STRONG, CLAUDE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|193|12/20/2004|08/19/1966
|GONZALEZ, HECTOR A|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|170|12/29/2000|02/27/1963
|HUDSON, DON B|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|146|08/18/2005|10/13/1966
|LEON, REYNIER L|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|170|07/01/2005|09/02/1972
|MORGAN, JOHN|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'01''|224|04/27/2005|09/24/1965
|MCKUHEN, CARLTON|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|178|02/18/2008|07/12/1982
|ORR, HOWARD F|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BLACK|6'03''|271|02/26/2006|03/20/1966
|TREZZI, WILLIAM|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'00''|170|11/09/1999|05/21/1952
|RODRIGUEZ, ESTEBAN|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|160|12/11/2008|12/31/1982
|GRIFFIN, ROLAND A JR|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'05''|174|04/17/2006|02/26/1977
|ARCHER, KYLE C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|155|12/06/2006|06/08/1957
|FRITZ, JOSHUA|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|HAZEL|5'10''|142|12/14/1999|09/21/1980
|JONES, LEONDRA L|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|217|08/25/2005|10/21/1971
|CRAWFORD, REGINALD|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|192|04/27/2002|10/30/1970
|HALL, WAYNE D|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'09''|198|10/01/2008|03/17/1982
|WEISBERG, ANDRE|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|154|07/08/2002|01/26/1979
|KING, CURTIS|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|155|05/11/2003|08/24/1964
|WILLIAMS, CURTIS|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|177|07/20/2002|02/12/1961
|ROJAS, TERESA|HISPANIC|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|150|05/02/2002|04/17/1960
|YOUNG, DANIEL B|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|200|08/05/2004|07/05/1973
|MYRICK, BOBBY L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|230|07/23/1999|01/29/1954
|TORRES, RAFAEL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'00''|140|08/24/2005|05/27/1970
|VENTRES, TARA A|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'05''|196|05/06/2003|05/09/1975
|STEVENSON, WILLIE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|152|09/01/2004|06/03/1953
|WILKINS, JAMAAR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|136|11/14/2001|04/13/1981
|CLARITY, MICHAEL E SR|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|131|04/26/2009|05/05/1958
|THOMAS, JIMMIE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|184|12/01/2005|05/22/1957
|STALLARD, CLINTON E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|160|03/09/2004|09/21/1982
|MANNING, NATHANIEL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|159|08/01/2001|11/22/1969
|MOJICA, EFRAIN A|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|145|10/15/1998|02/20/1979
|WALSH, ALVIN III|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'02''|218|01/02/2006|02/19/1964
|ANDROFF, KEVIN F|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|185|01/21/2008|12/10/1965
|MILLER, WILLIAM T|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'11''|153|03/06/2007|11/15/1967
|FLAMBERT, NEIL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|196|03/30/2003|07/07/1969
|JUSTICE, ROY L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|150|09/01/2008|11/01/1975
|RAMIDWAR, VAUGHN K|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|164|11/13/2006|02/05/1973
|BALDWIN, CALVIN C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|123|07/05/2006|12/06/1953
|JACKSON, DARREN M|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|175|04/01/2005|01/25/1971
|THOMPSON, MICHAEL R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|216|02/18/2005|06/01/1976
|RAMIREZ, XIOMARA|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|120|02/04/2009|07/11/1987
|GIVENS, ERIC K|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|140|02/01/2005|04/08/1966
|ANDERSON, EUGENE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|4'07''|142|08/09/2003|10/15/1955
|KAHN, NADEEM|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|145|10/25/2001|01/02/1966
|ICAQUIRRE, MARIO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|158|03/08/2009|05/29/1960
|BILBAO, DANIEL|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|170|06/19/2000|09/05/1970
|HOPKINS, VERNON E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|205|11/04/2000|12/03/1967
|COPE, ROBERT J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'08''|219|03/20/2006|11/20/1963
|JONES, MARVIN A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|237|05/22/2007|01/09/1979
|ALBERT, ROY F|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|230|11/05/2007|01/03/1970
|FUTCH, LEWIS E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|190|11/19/2008|09/02/1968
|PASIK, DAVID|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|HAZEL|5'11''|178|09/24/2007|12/08/1967
|WILLIAMS, CLARNIE|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|160|05/27/2000|02/11/1961
|SHANNON, EDWARD J|BLACK|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'00''|194|03/29/2005|03/23/1980
|WHEELER, LEON D JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|174|08/31/2007|08/21/1970

Posted by: augustinabgreekb on January 2, 2011 5:20 AM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|WILLIAMSON, CECIL W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|180|09/27/2001|06/24/1966
|LARKIN, GEORGE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|180|10/16/2007|01/19/1964
|SHIRLEY, RONALD C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'10''|166|12/22/1998|02/06/1976
|ORTAGUS, DARREN B|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'08''|182|01/28/2009|02/07/1979
|MOORE, J PAUL E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|171|04/07/1998|05/07/1974
|JOHNSON, FRED J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|216|08/01/2002|05/29/1965
|ORTIZ, CARLOS E|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|166|04/03/2005|01/02/1967
|CADE, STEPHEN T|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|174|03/18/2001|02/05/1970
|MONCER, ANTHONY R|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|180|05/15/2000|10/29/1963
|GORDON, LAWRENCE|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|147|03/18/2000|06/09/1969
|DOMINGUEZ, ROBERT C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'08''|130|01/26/2000|12/25/1975
|RICHARDSON, JOEY A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|198|08/10/2008|10/04/1977
|BLANCO, JORGE F|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|190|07/07/2006|02/06/1963
|ALEXANDER, ALBERT C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|180|03/17/2009|09/03/1952
|LANGLEY, HENRY T|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'05''|205|03/01/2003|08/12/1956
|DIAZ, JAIME|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'08''|224|12/05/2006|08/23/1963
|SMITH, ROBERT E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'10''|176|03/01/2008|08/17/1962
|LEVIN, VICTOR E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|165|07/18/2000|04/24/1963
|HART, NEIL|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'11''|144|12/14/2008|05/08/1953
|TITUS, RICHARD V|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BLUE|5'09''|188|08/01/2004|03/05/1982
|WALLACE, DORSEY E JR|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|158|06/05/2004|11/29/1972
|MCCULLAGH, DANNY K|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|208|02/16/2007|09/19/1959
|RODRIGUEZ, ORLANDO F|HISPANIC|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|179|12/01/2008|08/22/1961
|SMITH, TIMMY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|212|05/01/2001|08/17/1974
|WILLIAMS, JACK R III|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'10''|188|09/06/2002|01/25/1980
|RIVERA, JOSE|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|195|07/06/2008|02/03/1978
|SANCHEZ, TINA M|WHITE|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|200|02/28/2005|04/07/1963
|MCDONALD, THOMAS|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'04''|225|05/09/2006|08/12/1963
|BRYANT, TARDRICK L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|197|12/08/2005|10/21/1975
|LARA, EDUARDO|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLACK|5'06''|170|03/19/2004|05/17/1941
|LESTER, DOUGLAS N|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|199|03/27/2000|07/30/1957
|HENDERSON, HENRY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|208|07/26/2006|05/16/1974
|KING, MARCUS D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|171|07/13/2003|02/29/1980
|JOSEPH, REGINO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|176|04/01/2005|03/25/1978
|SIMMONS, MICHAEL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|202|05/01/2006|04/22/1960
|EVANS, DANNY R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|140|07/17/2008|03/09/1955
|GREGA, ANDREW M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'02''|205|01/03/2006|11/19/1974
|KIRKLAND, MICHAEL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'09''|181|08/14/2003|04/05/1968
|GONZALEZ, ELVIS P|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|140|08/02/2005|05/11/1957
|DIXON, TERESA|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|240|01/02/2003|06/25/1972
|ALLEN, LINDA E|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|184|05/06/2004|09/30/1946
|SANCHEZ, JAVIER|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|170|11/24/2007|05/09/1987
|FERNANDEZ, JOEL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|151|02/04/2003|09/05/1981
|PUDNEY, CHRISTINA N|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'04''|120|03/03/2007|06/16/1987
|LOUD, WILLIE J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'04''|185|06/06/1998|11/28/1947
|GIL, JORGE|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|175|01/01/2006|08/30/1968
|BEEBE, GLENN R|WHITE|MALE|GRAY OR PARTIALLY GRAY|BLUE|6'01''|170|09/30/2006|12/02/1940
|LEVINE, JAMES E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|189|07/25/2006|07/22/1964
|PINKNEY, STEVEN L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|238|06/26/2008|06/08/1964
|DIXON, JEFFREY W|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|155|05/07/2000|08/31/1972
|REED, ROBERT S|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|GREEN|5'08''|160|12/19/1998|09/05/1970
|DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER K|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'05''|129|07/18/1998|05/25/1976
|BARRETT, ARMANDO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|183|02/04/2007|01/10/1978
|MILLER, MICHAEL N|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|150|09/01/1999|11/09/1966
|GANEY, ROGER D|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'03''|188|10/17/2002|02/11/1956
|BROWN, WALTER|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|141|11/01/2004|04/06/1957
|KELLY, FITZROY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|197|04/18/2007|04/13/1967
|PLATT, NATHANIEL L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|168|05/06/2006|12/29/1956
|GWYNN, CHRISTOPHER A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|218|03/02/2009|07/28/1973
|SMITH, JOHN W|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|165|12/01/1998|12/03/1967
|KEENER, WILLIAM|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|GREEN|5'04''|170|11/01/2000|01/07/1976
|TUTTY, JEFFREY A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|215|01/17/1999|02/11/1966
|DINKINS, RICHARD P|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|160|08/30/2000|09/24/1965
|PARKER, JOE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|279|03/01/2003|03/21/1968
|COLLAZO, JOSE A|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BLUE|5'09''|198|04/30/2005|10/20/1958
|FLORES, TONY|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|163|12/30/2001|10/26/1971
|ALFARO, MANUEL|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|185|12/10/2004|07/23/1962
|DEAN, JEFFREY A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'09''|166|07/11/2002|12/19/1963
|CLARK, DEANGELO D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|143|05/01/2009|09/02/1988
|JONES, JANITA G|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'01''|146|01/26/2005|02/07/1962
|WILLIAMS, PATRICIA A|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|198|02/23/2002|06/30/1959
|MORGAN, GARETH D|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|172|07/15/2005|04/19/1985
|HOUPT, DAVID E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'06''|140|02/02/2001|01/16/1968
|MOHL, JOHN L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|140|04/17/2006|12/19/1972

Posted by: eleonoreamorellea on January 2, 2011 10:01 AM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|GIBBONEY, MATTHEW E|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|141|11/05/2001|01/04/1978
|HALE, MICHAEL D|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|159|07/30/2004|09/05/1985
|ROBBINS, MINNIE E|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|173|12/01/2000|11/14/1965
|GARCIA, MICHELLE D|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|172|08/07/1999|12/26/1967
|SWANN, WILLIAM J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|153|10/16/2005|06/24/1970
|WYCHE, LLOYD L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|290|09/21/2007|04/03/1966
|BRIGMAN, DAVID|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'07''|206|05/19/2009|01/25/1967
|NERO, VINCENZO E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|180|03/26/2008|05/31/1964
|CARROLL, RODRICK L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|190|06/01/2003|10/28/1980
|MURRAY, PAUL T|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|186|06/11/2006|07/18/1967
|JOHNSON, TERRY JR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|150|02/26/2004|08/28/1980
|MILNE, JOHN S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|187|11/07/2005|04/12/1969
|MONTEJO, OMAR J|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|165|01/09/2008|05/26/1982
|KAYMORE, EVERET C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|219|08/12/2008|07/11/1978
|VIALVA, CURT|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|157|08/09/2001|11/24/1980
|NOEL, CRAIG T|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'10''|165|06/20/2004|10/14/1967
|BURGER, CRAIG M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'00''|170|06/01/2001|02/07/1980
|KELLY, MICHAEL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|211|12/17/2005|04/27/1973
|RUSSELL, RICHARD L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|198|01/02/2000|02/26/1952
|MARLOW, DANNETTE D|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|211|04/03/2003|02/24/1964
|SINGLETON, HOWARD D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|150|04/09/2009|11/06/1960
|RICHARDSON, KEITH J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|180|10/05/2005|03/07/1980
|HERNANDEZ, MARIO|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|172|02/20/2006|09/25/1957
|MILLER, KARL M|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|208|01/15/2009|06/19/1959
|GAINES, EMMANUEL|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|132|12/30/2005|09/13/1984
|PLOTNICK, JONATHAN S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|220|08/19/1998|07/06/1966
|LEDEA, ANTHONY|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|186|04/01/2002|04/07/1980
|REYNOLDS, DERICK L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|170|12/01/2008|08/31/1977
|COY, CRAIG E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'10''|180|12/01/1997|04/04/1975
|LEWIS, CLETIS|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|196|02/14/2003|04/21/1940
|HORNBAKER, ROBERT A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|140|10/07/2004|11/28/1984
|JENKINS, CHARLES|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|300|02/16/1998|08/22/1950
|SMITH, ALLEN D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|145|02/16/1999|06/10/1964
|MACK, TONDRICK D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|190|01/19/2007|08/22/1961
|TRAN, HUNG H|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|143|12/16/1999|11/24/1967
|JEWELL, RUSSELL B II|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|185|10/06/2006|11/01/1980
|KELLEY, RYAN L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'10''|166|10/01/2006|10/28/1978
|KING, RONALD J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|151|11/12/2006|03/02/1971
|HAYES, COURTNEY T|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|135|05/03/2005|07/14/1978
|GAMBLE, CORRINA D|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'04''|179|04/24/2006|01/10/1969
|SANTEE, DAIN A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'09''|165|12/01/2000|07/18/1972
|TRUETT, PAUL M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'04''|193|12/05/2001|07/01/1961
|LEE, LARRY L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|198|06/18/2004|03/20/1971
|GARRELL, PRISCILLA E|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|272|07/11/2001|02/15/1969
|STEPHENS, JAMES W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'06''|149|08/07/2008|02/04/1959
|KENNEDY, JERMAINE M|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'04''|130|11/10/1998|10/16/1978
|FILIPPI, FRANCINE|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|127|08/01/2005|03/25/1957
|ACEVEDO, LUIS M|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|196|09/27/2004|09/24/1982
|MITCHELL, SHAUN I|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|147|04/01/2004|04/13/1980
|ANDREWS, JULIO A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|167|04/30/2002|10/12/1956
|HARRIS, SERGIO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|156|03/17/2007|07/27/1984
|WITHOUSE, JOHN A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|137|02/22/2003|10/16/1974
|WORLEY, BOBBY J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|195|06/07/2003|09/03/1964
|FOX, MICHAEL T|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'02''|245|06/17/2004|05/13/1970
|DIAZ, LUIS|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|160|04/01/2003|02/15/1966
|KELLY, TEENA|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|182|01/22/2000|10/12/1959
|DELGADO, RUBIN|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|168|09/21/2006|08/06/1966
|REYES, CLAUDIA A|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'02''|138|04/09/1998|10/09/1978
|FISHER, ZACHARY J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'09''|150|12/15/2004|01/08/1979
|JOHNSON, JAMES J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|156|01/26/2004|11/18/1955
|CAMACHO, EDWIN R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'07''|180|05/12/2002|01/26/1960
|TREESH, SHAWN L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'00''|244|06/06/2007|07/22/1981
|WEINER, CHRISTOPHER M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|155|03/26/2007|01/09/1975
|HUGHES, DERRICK L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|145|09/02/2006|08/04/1967
|DELGADO, JULIAN|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|195|06/14/2000|01/24/1956
|PORTER, EDRICK|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|213|02/24/2007|04/10/1981
|BROWN, ROBERT|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|174|09/02/2004|04/07/1972
|BROOKS, DEBORA S|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|146|03/18/2003|05/26/1975
|KING, MELVIN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|146|04/01/2009|12/04/1959
|LEROY, KEVIN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|172|08/04/2007|07/19/1971
|IRONS, TERRENCE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|238|11/28/2006|04/08/1983
|TORBUSH, CHAD|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'10''|214|05/07/2004|03/29/1968
|JOHNSON, JEROME L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|225|11/09/2006|08/29/1966
|MERRON, MICHAEL F|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'06''|161|04/30/2003|01/25/1955
|KNIGHT, SONJA|BLACK|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'03''|191|01/17/2002|05/10/1976
|MONROE, KEVIN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|164|08/21/2000|04/04/1970

Posted by: marybelledhardgraved on January 2, 2011 1:18 PM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|BERRIEN, RONDA R|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|165|03/08/2003|02/02/1969
|ORANGE, CHARLES E|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|175|08/26/2000|10/22/1960
|KIRKLAND, HARVEY H|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|205|06/09/2005|07/06/1951
|GOSS, DAVID J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|156|02/03/2007|08/03/1978
|RYDER, RONALD J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|155|04/13/2007|12/02/1983
|HURST, AKEELAH S|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|152|08/06/2005|09/20/1976
|MYLES, ISSAC|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|207|03/31/2005|07/03/1970
|POOLE, DONTAVIUS J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|175|04/22/2003|07/25/1982
|SPENCER, TRAVARES W|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|140|11/02/2006|02/06/1977
|MCNEMAR, RICHARD|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|'''|224|12/01/2005|11/23/1948
|PITTS, CHAUNCEY A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'11''|137|10/28/1997|01/20/1953
|ALFATA, ZIAD M|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|196|12/07/2004|12/13/1962
|SIWANOWICZ, BRINDEL B|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'06''|203|08/07/2001|01/27/1971
|USSERY, LANZON S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|297|04/08/2002|11/04/1951
|HUNT, BILLY D|WHITE|MALE|GRAY OR PARTIALLY GRAY|BLUE|5'06''|165|05/08/2007|10/01/1949
|PEARSALL, VINCENT|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|218|06/24/2003|12/04/1979
|FARMER, JERELD R|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|179|04/12/2006|09/11/1983
|JUSTINIANO-VARGAS, FELIX|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|185|11/05/2000|08/21/1969
|RILEY, DONALD L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|186|10/13/2004|09/30/1955
|CAMIEL, TIMOTHY L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|175|04/10/1998|10/17/1974
|HARTZOG, RANDY L|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|BROWN|5'11''|157|01/29/2000|04/22/1975
|LANDY, TAWANDA|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|186|11/07/2001|09/16/1977
|FERRELL, TERRANCE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|155|02/01/2007|10/23/1984
|SMITH, DARIUS L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|210|06/05/2008|04/27/1973
|JOHNSON, JOSHUA L|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|HAZEL|5'09''|197|05/23/2009|07/18/1983
|VINCENT, NELSINE J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|165|05/08/2002|03/23/1978
|CARMICHAEL, WAYNE L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|178|06/15/1999|09/01/1948
|CAZEAU, STANLEY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|180|01/06/2009|04/17/1987
|MCCANTS, JIMMIE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|160|12/20/2002|11/26/1982
|ANGWIN, RENEE L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'10''|168|02/24/2008|11/09/1968
|PELL, RICHARD L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|203|03/18/2008|08/29/1959
|ANDERSON, JASON M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|170|01/16/2002|09/20/1977
|KOWALSKI, DEBORAH M|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'01''|125|11/17/1997|11/21/1951
|LEE, EMMA L|BLACK|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|138|07/31/2006|01/12/1964
|PROVENZANO, ROBERT A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'10''|165|02/07/2002|07/22/1966
|BARNES, DANIEL L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|175|03/05/2006|01/19/1984
|FARIA, BERNARD W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'01''|183|09/22/2001|09/20/1947
|COVER, STEVEN|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'07''|208|03/04/2005|09/12/1958
|KING, WILLIAM|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'10''|200|05/01/2006|06/17/1973
|FALANA, ROGER A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|173|12/17/2004|06/08/1985
|SIMS, CHARLES W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'09''|141|04/23/2001|07/25/1966
|TIELSER, THOMAS|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'08''|196|10/11/2001|10/21/1964
|EFORD, CHARLES|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|179|08/07/2007|02/09/1970
|HECHT, PAUL R|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|160|05/01/2007|09/28/1969
|STUTLER, ANTHONY W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'02''|277|04/19/2007|03/06/1969
|LYNN, NATHAN C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|148|05/25/2007|04/24/1975
|BROWN, JOSEPH W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|179|03/28/2005|01/21/1978
|YARMOUTH, SARA L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'06''|136|02/02/2006|03/01/1983
|MANN, ARTHUR|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|154|03/03/2004|05/02/1967
|RODRIGUEZ, ANIBAL G|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'01''|130|10/18/2008|04/19/1962
|KYZAR, DINO|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|198|10/28/2004|03/01/1966
|SHURETTE, JOHN M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'08''|175|06/19/2000|01/03/1952
|COLEMAN, JONELLE M|BLACK|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|174|08/18/2006|05/27/1981
|QUINN, MARK A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|253|06/13/2009|01/08/1968
|KIRKSEY, MARVIN L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|177|10/13/2008|12/01/1955
|KENNEDY, ALFRED F|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|191|03/15/2009|11/28/1963
|FERNANDEZ, AGUSTIN|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|155|01/08/2007|10/09/1980
|CANELLES, RAUL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|135|01/02/2004|01/25/1967
|WHITE, ANDERSON J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|170|10/01/2001|08/07/1959
|CORBETT, BETTIE M|WHITE|FEMALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'00''|164|03/01/2003|05/29/1962
|ANGELL, JAMES A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|174|10/20/2006|12/28/1962
|VOLLMAR, ALAN L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'07''|155|01/26/2007|06/10/1963
|HINTON, CHRISTOPHER|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'11''|156|04/05/2007|06/05/1985
|BROWN, MELANIE W|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'00''|168|01/01/2008|02/11/1967
|HOWARD, MARK A|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|224|11/11/2006|05/12/1968
|BENEBY, ANDRE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|171|11/01/1998|07/08/1977
|LEWIS, JONATHAN S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'06''|265|08/05/2008|11/19/1979
|SANCHEZ, SALVADOR A|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|154|09/27/2006|11/25/1984
|MARTIN, JONATHAN|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|6'00''|194|03/11/2009|03/07/1988
|CARR, LAWRENCE C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|150|02/25/2006|07/19/1966
|BELL, JOHN I|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GRAY|6'00''|147|01/22/2007|05/21/1958

Posted by: lilliamhmisrah on January 2, 2011 9:43 PM

Happy New Year

11 Years ago one vermin chose to steal my property and not returning it.

So here we go, hundreds of thousands of their conviction record like usual.

Hopefully it'll exclude them from ever finding an honest job. Don't worry. we can always shot those maggots when they steal, or rob again.

I hope they like it as much as I like finding out my stuff is stolen.

|KLAHN, RANDY L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'04''|131|01/31/1999|05/13/1952
|GLENN, DARRIUS D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|175|06/04/2008|10/14/1984
|SIANI, CHRISTIAN|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'00''|200|10/31/2007|05/07/1973
|WHITE, SHEILA A|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'03''|145|02/12/2006|12/01/1956
|MARTIN, KAREN L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|131|05/10/2006|11/28/1964
|HANSEN, JERRY S|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'09''|169|08/13/2008|01/09/1968
|DRAKE, DAVID L|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|GREEN|5'10''|197|10/08/2001|04/20/1963
|WALLACE, DAVID|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'03''|189|08/02/2008|05/08/1984
|NIJBOER, MICHAEL J|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|165|12/05/2005|09/05/1983
|MASERI, RICHARD E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'10''|175|06/01/2007|12/11/1957
|HENDERSON, LEON D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|167|02/04/2009|03/06/1984
|DAISY, GUY M|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'05''|254|08/01/2008|07/01/1960
|HOLLAND, MICHELLE M|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'00''|122|07/21/2005|01/01/1968
|COPELAND, PRESTON N|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'11''|144|07/12/2004|05/12/1984
|STELMACH, LUCYNA|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'04''|138|05/08/2002|04/06/1962
|SLAUGHTER, LARRY C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'01''|220|04/30/2008|10/20/1962
|BROOKS, VICKIE D|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'01''|168|09/24/2002|09/10/1953
|COX, ROGER W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|150|09/04/1999|10/20/1967
|PRATER, KEVIN P|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|6'03''|196|04/25/2007|03/08/1983
|FLORES, JAIME|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|169|07/07/2003|07/01/1982
|WHITTAKER, JOHN|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|HAZEL|5'09''|175|03/13/1998|06/13/1950
|MCCLENDON, ANITA M|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'04''|123|07/09/2006|10/02/1967
|CHANDLER, IVAN|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|165|01/30/2007|10/19/1974
|CABANILLAS, JUAN C|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|142|02/22/2003|12/24/1965
|HATELEY, JAMES L|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|158|08/31/2005|01/28/1964
|FINLAYSON, ANTONIO|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|201|01/01/2006|10/15/1973
|SERRATO, JOSE A|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'05''|155|07/23/2005|09/03/1976
|PLUMLEY, KEVIN|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'10''|182|08/04/2007|05/24/1973
|MORRELL, MARVIN F|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|250|02/28/2003|12/15/1977
|BAREK, MICHAL|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'08''|142|04/14/2008|06/25/1980
|ULMER, CLIFFORD|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|165|08/18/2003|02/22/1955
|GREGORY, JOSE A III|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|166|03/08/2006|08/22/1954
|MILLER, BRIAN D|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|6'02''|203|12/13/2007|08/19/1963
|BLACK, JEFFREY T|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'02''|185|01/28/2003|05/09/1979
|CHISLER, JEWEL R|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'04''|122|01/21/2007|02/23/1958
|MOODY, CHRISTOPHER M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'02''|170|08/01/2008|09/15/1988
|RODEN, MARVIN W JR.|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'11''|142|05/12/2001|04/05/1976
|JACKSON, HENRY A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|6'00''|170|10/23/1999|06/09/1976
|ADAMS, BEN Z|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|169|02/03/2009|02/25/1972
|SMITH, ROGER K|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'11''|170|02/20/1998|12/03/1955
|IBARRA, BELISARIO|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|165|05/27/2009|02/15/1972
|GOMEZ, GEORGE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|151|02/20/1998|08/20/1937
|YARBROUGH, JAMES C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'11''|174|11/02/2004|09/20/1968
|CLINE, ROBERT W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BLUE|5'08''|194|12/31/2008|10/09/1961
|DAVIS, EDWONE J|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|158|03/30/2006|07/14/1979
|TEASLEY, ALVIN C|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'03''|232|04/08/2001|07/25/1955
|PAULK, VICTOR B|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'08''|183|04/07/2009|03/13/1987
|HARRIS, NORMAN L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|154|12/28/2007|10/31/1955
|SANCHEZ, JOSE L|HISPANIC|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'07''|135|06/09/2004|09/14/1948
|BARRY, JOHN C|WHITE|MALE|RED OR AUBURN|HAZEL|5'09''|145|06/22/1999|05/12/1978
|CARTER, RANDY D|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|6'02''|201|08/25/2007|05/22/1955
|VEGA, LUIS A|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'06''|140|12/30/1998|01/29/1958
|GRAY, CHRIS D|WHITE|MALE|BLONDE OR STRAWBERRY|BLUE|5'04''|154|04/02/2007|01/29/1989
|KENDALL, TIMOTHY E|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'11''|196|02/25/2006|01/31/1972
|KOSLAK, KRZYSZKOF|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'06''|179|09/24/2000|10/09/1967
|WILLIAMS, EDDIE R|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|199|05/16/2007|08/12/1945
|COOLEY, DEWAYNE L|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|222|10/19/2001|10/18/1965
|WILLIS, ADRIAN W|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|170|05/22/2008|11/12/1972
|LILLY, BONNIE L|WHITE|FEMALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'05''|155|05/01/2002|04/20/1979
|CARTER, DAVID D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'06''|175|10/30/2004|01/31/1970
|ANDERSON, TONY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'08''|210|10/24/2000|01/25/1962
|WILLIAMS, JASON D|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'11''|195|10/01/2008|10/02/1975
|FOX, CHARLES T|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|GREEN|5'06''|146|05/01/2001|01/13/1965
|SMITH, JODDIE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'03''|135|03/27/2000|11/23/1977
|WHITE, FREDDIE T|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|186|10/06/2005|12/25/1963
|BEHRENS, LEO C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'07''|170|02/04/2009|06/09/1980
|SIMMONS, BILLY W|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|192|01/14/2001|10/03/1964
|ANDERSON, LAWTON C|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|HAZEL|5'07''|184|06/01/2007|05/15/1969
|JONES, ANDRE|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|6'00''|203|09/04/1998|01/30/1959
|BARI, ROBERT K|WHITE|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'10''|190|07/14/2000|08/17/1958
|MARTIN, RODNEY|BLACK|MALE|BLACK|BROWN|5'09''|230|05/08/1999|07/11/1969
|SKIDMORE, CHRISTOPHER M|WHITE|MALE|BROWN|BROWN|5'09''|180|07/11/2002|04/27/1972

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Posted by: mihibivun on February 6, 2011 3:10 PM

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[url="box.net/shared/1v1jx8pinh"]Prempro[/url] [url="box.net/shared/v41hkdivt3"]Premarin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/1g2fmgkb83"]Premarin-Vaginal[/url] [url="box.net/shared/xnezlpdx4s"]Prednisone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3igm97t1b5"]Pravachol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/4bksm9dyt2"]Prandin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/yk8rf2lhol"]Pradaxa[/url] [url="box.net/shared/qy1m0sm8uk"]Potassium[/url] [url="box.net/shared/kmsbzoz3st"]Polyphenon-E[/url] [url="box.net/shared/cmbzn36psm"]Plendil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/pvtafbs9ij"]Plavix[/url] [url="box.net/shared/zxbxon4m50"]Plaquenil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3rabhrivqs"]Plan-B[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3gab4g6q9m"]Plan-B-One-Step[/url] [url="box.net/shared/o5hxx4yuvq"]Phenergan[/url] [url="box.net/shared/zyq1881g8d"]Phendimetrazine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/uqrmjzhliu"]Phencyclidine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/ld6mx8vmd5"]Perlane[/url] [url="box.net/shared/9vqgz7u9fp"]Perforomist[/url] [url="box.net/shared/sespinu9xh"]Percogesic[/url] [url="box.net/shared/lg2kgyog6v"]Percodan[/url] [url="box.net/shared/5o5tzsgn65"]Percocet[/url] [url="box.net/shared/zaopujmg80"]Pentetate[/url] [url="box.net/shared/504nuda8nc"]Pepcid[/url] [url="box.net/shared/qg9jbrj1p9"]Pentasa[/url] [url="box.net/shared/v68du3avhy"]Pentacel[/url] [url="box.net/shared/g37dqzvh1d"]Pennsaid[/url] [url="box.net/shared/pi0icnvlfo"]Penlac[/url] [url="box.net/shared/8vajlfami3"]Penicillin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/lgh7705opx"]Pegasys[/url] [url="box.net/shared/da1f5siufp"]PEG-Intron[/url] [url="box.net/shared/oqqj57lmh9"]Pediarix[/url] [url="box.net/shared/yze49vsi31"]PCP[/url] [url="box.net/shared/r423gzzbvo"]Paxil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/xnp2yxkbjy"]Patanol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/yfgelofhfn"]Patanase[/url] [url="box.net/shared/hn59axeymu"]Paroxetine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/7k30pbk9bx"]Paracetamol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/2dpnz4px43"]Ozurdex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3gnyhmk076"]Oxytrol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/sn8ko1kbi0"]Oxycontin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/0escmiez1o"]Oxycodone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/2tbxjbxuer"]Oxybutynin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/bo4qo7oy12"]OsmoPrep[/url] [url="box.net/shared/7njhgg0e3t"]Oseltamivir[/url] [url="box.net/shared/hibjgkpgz0"]Orthovisc[/url] [url="box.net/shared/pk8duixhx2"]Ortho-Novum[/url] [url="box.net/shared/c3u33cggaq"]Ortho-Tri-Cyclen[/url] [url="box.net/shared/tblxy0trcq"]Ortho-Evra[/url] [url="box.net/shared/gqtbmu1dmr"]Ortho-Cyclen[/url] [url="box.net/shared/nr83blohim"]Orlistat[/url] [url="box.net/shared/dzzr6q9o6k"]Orencia[/url] [url="box.net/shared/ncxlypj0ng"]OraVerse[/url] [url="box.net/shared/s537468rr1"]Oraqix[/url] [url="box.net/shared/0c5rkxspoe"]Orapred[/url] [url="box.net/shared/pe9ebu62qu"]Oracea[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3j3p02y6e5"]Opium[/url] [url="box.net/shared/agr50enk3a"]Opana[/url] [url="box.net/shared/2k0isdopdo"]Onsolis[/url] [url="box.net/shared/7za8rkhcof"]Onglyza[/url] [url="box.net/shared/22xisnfgt7"]Omnitrope[/url] [url="box.net/shared/cgzlegzatb"]Omnicef[/url] [url="box.net/shared/2hgr8msur3"]Omnaris[/url] [url="box.net/shared/829pxnq42z"]Omeprazole[/url] [url="box.net/shared/l5xnby4fbc"]Omacor[/url] [url="box.net/shared/sxqvqsrhik"]Octagam[/url] [url="box.net/shared/nt1uvfc2d6"]Oleptro[/url] [url="box.net/shared/1nhcoaqxna"]Nuvigil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/b2hysknona"]Nucynta[/url] [url="box.net/shared/nnzdu7v6ex"]Nplate[/url] [url="box.net/shared/e5h5hd2a4h"]Noxafil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/l26vk8svnr"]NovoLog[/url] [url="box.net/shared/2rmphdk0s4"]Norvir[/url] [url="box.net/shared/p4zs3vt54r"]Norvasc[/url] [url="box.net/shared/klg7vsmq9n"]Nortriptyline[/url] [url="box.net/shared/zckr9br883"]Norco[/url] [url="box.net/shared/nudpx83zl5"]Nitrofurantoin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/eispbcka0p"]Niferex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/znd2cluhc4"]Nifedipine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/i0p2ayd1ce"]Nicotine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/m3uzvbmr88"]Nexium[/url] [url="box.net/shared/2v0orb4va4"]Nexium-I.V.[/url] [url="box.net/shared/6yyuvbz8h3"]Nexavar[/url] [url="box.net/shared/76abrkrke6"]Nevanac[/url] [url="box.net/shared/20eq30gjny"]Neurontin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/qpbcvz75cx"]Neupro[/url] [url="box.net/shared/rcmucl9v4r"]Neupogen[/url] [url="box.net/shared/xgeet5jlz0"]Neulasta[/url] [url="box.net/shared/rnnia6clqv"]Nepafenac[/url] [url="box.net/shared/av3cv3kuq9"]Natazia[/url] [url="box.net/shared/gey5np0l4p"]Nasonex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/zg380t3bzk"]Nasacort[/url] [url="box.net/shared/y2njaq490t"]Naproxen[/url] [url="box.net/shared/q7taehpbmd"]Naprosyn[/url] [url="box.net/shared/yisghx8hx6"]Namenda[/url] [url="box.net/shared/8xg7mfcnyb"]Myozyme[/url] [url="box.net/shared/z7nk30an6h"]Myfortic[/url] [url="box.net/shared/34jqe5usz3"]Mycamine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/g3iuhai2c4"]Multaq[/url] [url="box.net/shared/mr2n6asmno"]Mucinex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/vnm6zxemn7"]Mucinex-D[/url] [url="box.net/shared/mqz6nkun8s"]MS-Contin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/4xmusigcnx"]Mozobil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/y3uf479t95"]Moxatag[/url] [url="box.net/shared/p7zjo3f08z"]MoviPrep[/url] [url="box.net/shared/9s5pcj33nu"]Motrin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/suhfyfuj0z"]Morphine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/bsiol1pfiv"]Mobic[/url] [url="box.net/shared/e0rlcs20kb"]Monopril[/url] [url="box.net/shared/lkrm0qc3gc"]Mirena[/url] [url="box.net/shared/9p92qcufi8"]Mircette[/url] [url="box.net/shared/d0c31u0e6h"]Mircera[/url] [url="box.net/shared/mgmkmge246"]Mirapex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/e2d6jd9v69"]Minocycline[/url] [url="box.net/shared/z2rbfsbgf9"]MigraTen[/url] [url="box.net/shared/y3xtvchraa"]Micardis[/url] [url="box.net/shared/86k9jmttey"]Miacalcin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/gkk9y64yh5"]Metronidazole[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3ts214n121"]Metoprolol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/dvaq5fhcsj"]Metoclopramide[/url] [url="box.net/shared/ckffddb2ql"]Methylprednisolone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/m1tx5foi1v"]Methylphenidate[/url] [url="box.net/shared/aap2h71m60"]Methotrexate[/url] [url="box.net/shared/70f1bz77fl"]Methocarbamol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/iklx9q1zsz"]Methamphetamine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/u8lbcoa2l3"]Methadone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/i034i9bvzv"]Metformin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/0n7fav0lqp"]Mesothelioma[/url] [url="box.net/shared/mar6150dv0"]Mescaline[/url] [url="box.net/shared/7yz561ydzs"]Merrem[/url] [url="box.net/shared/l0u86gqly1"]Meridia[/url] [url="box.net/shared/vimp9mmdr4"]Menveo[/url] [url="box.net/shared/sgyk7ba9gd"]Menostar[/url] [url="box.net/shared/kt1vzys0nr"]Menactra[/url] [url="box.net/shared/1hqk0yyyaj"]Melatonin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/bx349l10js"]Megace-ES[/url] [url="box.net/shared/5509ez329r"]Medroxyprogesterone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/m3a3ucvbze"]Meclizine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/z7xsb88jz1"]MDMA[/url] [url="box.net/shared/r4s97mgzx5"]Maxalt[/url] [url="box.net/shared/4xtu5kstky"]Marinol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/rlrsb53bfv"]Marijuana[/url] [url="box.net/shared/omkur42zd2"]Malarone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/63oz5uv065"]Magnevist[/url] [url="box.net/shared/766a69noj0"]Magnesium[/url] [url="box.net/shared/bjbcgf4pk5"]Macugen[/url] [url="box.net/shared/978ibaaar4"]Macrobid[/url] [url="box.net/shared/0mo0zl5prz"]Lysteda[/url] [url="box.net/shared/lnuyr14xci"]Lyrica[/url] [url="box.net/shared/sf1b1q5qdc"]Lybrel[/url] [url="box.net/shared/z3y0jbl2z0"]Luveris[/url] [url="box.net/shared/65ibd3k7cf"]Lusedra[/url] [url="box.net/shared/699o4zj15m"]Lunesta[/url] [url="box.net/shared/ziv53l90ku"]Lumizyme[/url] [url="box.net/shared/if8jm5s0j9"]Lumigan[/url] [url="box.net/shared/almcl9z2qf"]Lucentis[/url] [url="box.net/shared/u7glmm95mb"]LSD[/url] [url="box.net/shared/df5toty0nn"]Lovenox[/url] [url="box.net/shared/0tdexfv27h"]Lotronex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/jcceo8tl7i"]Lotrisone[/url] [url="box.net/shared/e04jcc68oa"]Lotrel[/url] [url="box.net/shared/tq1kfrnfl5"]Lotensin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/augugvljx5"]Lortab[/url] [url="box.net/shared/4oodppgi2u"]Lorazepam[/url] [url="box.net/shared/x1yok0bqzp"]Loestrin-24-Fe[/url] [url="box.net/shared/eg76hug1op"]Lodine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/tv88cfrj7l"]Lo-Ovral[/url]

Posted by: heniluden on February 6, 2011 11:47 PM

[url="box.net/shared/7463s7pllv"]Livalo[/url] [url="box.net/shared/jpddukmfg4"]Lithium[/url] [url="box.net/shared/z2fboei93p"]Lisinopril[/url] [url="box.net/shared/y5cz54s7dx"]Lipitor[/url] [url="box.net/shared/j1ijxbz0ig"]Lidoderm[/url] [url="box.net/shared/4yosjkiumf"]Librax[/url] [url="box.net/shared/das59rscos"]Lialda[/url] [url="box.net/shared/cfp4aexihg"]Lexiva[/url] [url="box.net/shared/57r2nkfppt"]Lexiscan[/url] [url="box.net/shared/8ljpbi7677"]Lexapro[/url] [url="box.net/shared/04gyvyxojp"]Levoxyl[/url] [url="box.net/shared/zgn7o7qxhi"]Levothyroxine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/podbqos7dt"]Levitra[/url] [url="box.net/shared/groo1ii546"]Levemir[/url] [url="box.net/shared/s0f833axm7"]Levaquin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/nuo3e8muoi"]Leukine[/url] [url="box.net/shared/jzr41gm7a2"]Letairis[/url] [url="box.net/shared/fld5mb196f"]Lescol[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3lqtp4d784"]Latisse[/url] [url="box.net/shared/dx4b92ml2q"]Lasix[/url] [url="box.net/shared/5e0ih6e9f1"]Lantus[/url] [url="box.net/shared/uhdrdtv8yq"]Lansoprazole[/url] [url="box.net/shared/esb7f8aleb"]Lanoxin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/y23in6kvub"]Lamisil[/url] [url="box.net/shared/ay7mtdnplq"]Lamictal[/url] [url="box.net/shared/tg609vxehu"]Kytril[/url] [url="box.net/shared/oihgsgnpgf"]Kuvan[/url] [url="box.net/shared/bus329t4ol"]Krystexxa[/url] [url="box.net/shared/x3c1x3t1eq"]Kogenate[/url] [url="box.net/shared/1t28iulbd9"]Klor-con[/url] [url="box.net/shared/3v5gj5ih7q"]Klonopin[/url] [url="box.net/shared/d3c21sx01i"]Kinrix[/url] [url="box.net/shared/qupur1gkis"]Kineret[/url] [url="box.net/shared/kk1uyigj8k"]Ketek[/url] [url="box.net/shared/cdfkyqjdpf"]Keppra[/url] [url="box.net/shared/5rnozqmp7e"]Kenalog[/url] [url="box.net/shared/rcepkq418i"]Keflex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/lif3vsytan"]Kapidex[/url] [url="box.net/shared/o56hjyqgiy"]Kaletra[/url] [url="box.net/shared/y7y1mszyx0"]Kalbitor[/url] [url="box.net/shared/7yo9iydmj8"]Kadian[/url] [url="box.net/shared/tr3ub63lu5"]K-dur[/url] 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Posted by: loderepup on February 7, 2011 8:42 AM

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Many couples really want to determine the sex of their baby when they conceive and there are some pretty wild theories abounding as to methods of pre-determining the sex of the fetus. While there is some amount of substance to some of these methods, the only reliable way to predetermine the sex of the child would be under laboratory conditions. There are, however, some steps which can be taken to increase the odds of getting pregnant with a girl.Step 1: Intercourse 4 to 5 Days Prior to OvulationOne belief is that you should have sex four or five days just prior to expected ovulation. There does appear to be some amount of validity to this theory in that female sperm live longer and swim slower. While the male sperm may be able to reach the egg more quickly, if they reach the fallopian tubes before the egg has dropped, chances are they will die before fertilization can be accomplished. Female sperm live an average of 5 days while male sperm live roughly 3 days. The key to success would rest in the fact that sex after the third day prior to ovulation should definitely be avoidedStep 2: Shallow PenetrationIn keeping with the same principles, since female sperm live longer albeit swim slower, it makes sense to ejaculate with shallow penetration. This gives the female sperm a fighting chance of reaching the egg because there is a good possibility that the male sperm will die off prior to reaching their mark. This is another scientifically 'unproven' method that has some basis in fact.Step 3: Promote Acidic EnvironmentThis is another method that is grounded in scientific fact, but not really proven to be empirical. The fact of the matter is that female sperm prefer an acidic environment while male sperm will fail to thrive. Methods of ensuring acidity in the vagina would be to douche just prior to intercourse and to take supplements known to promote an acidic environment. Used in combination with the two above mentioned methods, this just might increase the odds of conceiving a girl child even more.Step 4: Yoga and the Ancient Chinese Lunar MethodSome practitioners of Eastern philosophies are ardent supporters of various Yoga positions and techniques that are said to be favorable to the female 'aura.' On the same token, the Ancient Chinese Lunar Method claims that having sex under a full moon enables you to get pregnant with a girl child. There are contemporary advocates who espouse this method based on their theory that a full moon promotes negative ions (acidity).Step 5: Preimplantation Genetic Selection - Most ReliableProbably the most reliable way to pre-determine the sex of your baby would be through the process of In Vitro Fertilization. This is where the sperm and eggs are fertilized outside the body in a Petri dish. When the fertilized egg reaches the zygote (eight-cell) stage, it is possible to remove cells to be analyzed with a test known as the Preimplantation Genetic Selection (PGS) technique. Once it has been determined whether or not the zygote/embryo is a male or female, it is implanted into the uterus to be carried to term. Currently this test is used to determine the presence of genetic disorders and is the target of a substantial amount of controversy surrounding the ethics of it.Step 6: The Future of Genetic EngineeringWhile genetic engineering is still a ways in the future, many scientists believe that it will one day be possible to not only predetermine the sex of the baby, but other physical characteristics as well. At the moment this has not been approved for use in humans, but there are growing bodies of evidence that indicate this is a process that will be utilized in the not too distant future. As in Sperm Sorting, Genetic Engineering is drawing a good deal of debate as to the ethics of creating a 'designer baby.' Genetic Engineering may not be possible at this point in time, but it bears watching for further developments.Whether you are trying to find out how to get pregnant with a girl naturally or by alternative means, there are some methods that have proven to be reliable. Of course, the more science intervenes, the greater your chances will be to have a girl baby. If you have ethical issues, some of the above mentioned techniques really have proven to have some amount of success especially when used in combination. Whether that success was just 'chance' or the real result of utilizing these methods is still unclear. To date, authentic studies have not been conducted to authenticate or disprove those theories with any amount of reliability.

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Among all the different cellulite removal treatments, anti cellulite treatment cream has got to be the easiest and most convenient to use. No exercising, no dieting, and no expensive surgery. Basically, you apply the cream and you're done. What more could a person suffering from excess cellulite ask for? What to Look For in Cellulite Treatment Cream... Caffeine: "Huh? I thought caffeine was bad for you -- is it not?" Well, that depends on how you take it. If you drink 10 cups of coffee daily, then yeah, it's bad. However, when it is used in cellulite treatment cream, such as Cellulean cellulite cream, it actually helps to break down the celulite and repair the skin. Basically, what the caffeine does is stimulate the bodies circulation and blood flow, resulting in the breaking down of fat cells. The more fat cells broken down, the less cellulite is likely to appear. Green Tea: This cellulite cream ingredient has large concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which helps to burn fat and prevent it from being stored in unsightly areas of the body- butt, thighs, arms, belly, etc. Vitamin A: This ingredient is for the repair of connective tissue, which is one of the underlying factors of cellulite removal. Poor connective tissue allows cellulite to accumulate wherever it possibly can; and this makes the job of reducing cellulite that much harder, as the cellulite is likely to return if the connective tissue is not repaired and strengthened. Vitamin A takes care of this problem. Algae: The job of this celulite cream ingredient is detoxification. Algae releases the toxins that have long been trapped in the bodies fat storage cells. These toxins are the cause of the skins "cottage cheese" appearance. So basically, with algae as an active ingredient in the anti cellulite cream, toxins and "cottage cheese" skin will be no more. L-Carnitine: This is an amino acid that speeds up a person's metabolic rates and decreases the number of cells that store fat. In a nutshell, this ingredient will help to burn more calories and decrease overall fat storage. These 5 specific ingredients will be present in the best of the best anti cellulite treatment creams. If they're not, you may need to do some background research on the ingredients that a particular cream includes. After all, new, more powerful ingredients are discovered all the time for cellulite removal -- so you really never know what has been improved or just thrown out completely. Quick Note: For better and much longer lasting results, combine cellulite treatment cream with cellulite diet and exercise.

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Among all the different cellulite reduction methods out there, using pills to remove cellulite isn't typically at the top of the list. Why is this? Because anti cellulite pills are typically more ineffective than they are effective. That's not to say that there aren't some anti-cellulite pills out there that work -- it just means that most of the pills you come across will be of poor quality, in most cases anyway. Separating the ineffective from the effective pills shouldn't be all that difficult. As a matter of fact, you can find out everything you need to know about a particular type of anti cellulite pill by doing a quick online search. Combine your search results (reviews, advice, experiences, etc.) with the information you've already got on the pills and you can easily determine whether or not certain cellulite pills are worth your time. The unfortunate truth about using pills to remove cellulite is that it may be dangerous for your health in the long run. How? Well, that is somewhat hard to say. Some pills can cause severe allergic reactions, some can adversely affect liver function, while others will structurally change your skin as time goes by; a change that the pills might not be able to maintain over the course of time. Aside from those more serious side-effects, there are also the "usual" side effects which are significantly more common -- these include mild stomach aches, headaches, mild allergic skin reactions, diarrhea, nausea, dehydration, and even constipation. You'd have to endure many, if not all, of these side-effects just to remove cellulite from your body. Ask yourself, is it really worth the hassle? Can a person use pills to remove cellulite? Yes. Should a person use pills to remove cellulite? NO! There are just too many "ifs" to seriously consider such a treatment. Even if you were to find an anti-cellulite pill that worked effectively, which is highly unlikely, why take the risk of causing long-term damage to your health when there so many other safer & more effective natural cellulite cures out there? In all honesty, it just doesn't make sense.

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Getting rid of thigh cellulite is no easy task, especially when you have little to no knowledge of cellulite treatments and remedies. Fortunately for you though, I'm about to lay out a 3-step treatment for how to get rid of cellulite on thighs. Whether you're wanting to learn how to get rid of cellulite on back of thighs or on front of thighs, these 5 steps should help you reach your goals quite easily. While this 5 step system won't erase all traces of celulite from your body overnight, they will bring about dramatic changes in how your skin looks & feels -- you just need to give it time. Step 1: The Better Skin Diet Eating foods which benefit the skin is your first goal. Put down the fast food, the twinkies, and the fudge rolls and start eating foods that are going to actively fight cellulite accumulation and improve the health of your skin. Bright berries & vegetables, lean meats & poultry (baked, broiled, or grilled), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, etc), low fat cheeses, small amounts of dark chocolate, beans & peas, fish (or fish oil capsules), and other natural foods are all acceptable choices. Frequency: Every Day. Step 2: Transformation, Coach Potato to Fitness Guru Working out might not be your favorite activity -- in fact, you might loath the very thought of it -- but that doesn't change the fact that it's a necessary step of how to get rid of cellulite on thighs. Regardless of what the title of this step is, you don't have to be a hardcore fitness junkie to reduce cellulite and get rid of dimpled & bumpy skin. Light exercise which includes jogging, bike riding, power walking, swimming, or even playing a fast paced Nintendo Wii video game is all you really need. You could even get more serious and use advanced "thigh targeting" exercises; squats, lunges, 1-leg presses, leg press, the flamingo balance (yes, it's a real thing), the plie, etc. Frequency: Every other day, then soon 4 or 5 days a week. 20-50 minutes for each workout session. Step 3: Massages For The Skin This is definitely the easiest step of how to get rid of cellulite on back of thighs; as all you need is a cellulite massager and an effective anti-cellulite cream. Apply the skin cream to your thighs, massage in thoroughly, and then start using the massager on the region. The pressure should be forceful, yet not painful. Frequency: Should be used every day for best results. If you want to get rid of cellulite on thighs, then you should definitely use this 3-step system. While it's not a full-proof, "guaranteed-to-get-results" system like the Official Cellulite Cure (below), it is an anti-cellulite system that works well so long as you've got the patience and determination to stick with it.

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Posted by: hair treatment on April 22, 2011 2:15 AM

Aside from using the obviously effective cellulite diet & exercise, you should consider using celulite treatment creams. Anti-cellulite creams, as they are called, are very affordable and easy to obtain. In fact, you can get them from most retail and drug stores without any sort of doctor approved prescription. "What do anti cellulite creams actually do?" Well, as the name suggests, they fight against cellulite and help to remove it. "Okay...but how exactly do they do that?" Although each cellulite cream is different, they all usually work under the same basic principal of using natural "cellulite fighting" ingredients to break down the cellulite in the body. When applied, the anti-cellulite treatment cream will penetrate the skin and directly attack the celulite, which is just underneath the skin, surrounding the connective tissue. The special ingredients will then go to work on the area and they will slowly start melting the cellulite away. Over time, the cellulite will become less, for lack of a better word, stable, allowing it to be flushed out through the person's bowels and/or kidneys. "It sounds simple enough, but what's the catch?" With a good, well-known cellulite treatment cream, there is no catch. You would just use the cream for 2-3 months and then see natural cellulite reduction within that area. On the other hand, with an imitation cream, there is in fact a catch -- but it isn't a bad one, per say. Imitation creams won't interfere with your cellulite removal efforts -- in any way whatsoever. They won't reduce cellulite and they won't cause it to build up. In short, these fake creams will do absolutely nothing beyond moisturizing the skin. Luckily though, with a bit of research, you should be able to avoid buying fake cellulite treatment creams.

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Among all the different cellulite removal treatments, anti cellulite treatment cream has got to be the easiest and most convenient to use. No exercising, no dieting, and no expensive surgery. Basically, you apply the cream and you're done. What more could a person suffering from excess cellulite ask for? What to Look For in Cellulite Treatment Cream... Caffeine: "Huh? I thought caffeine was bad for you -- is it not?" Well, that depends on how you take it. If you drink 10 cups of coffee daily, then yeah, it's bad. However, when it is used in cellulite treatment cream, such as Cellulean cellulite cream, it actually helps to break down the celulite and repair the skin. Basically, what the caffeine does is stimulate the bodies circulation and blood flow, resulting in the breaking down of fat cells. The more fat cells broken down, the less cellulite is likely to appear. Green Tea: This cellulite cream ingredient has large concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which helps to burn fat and prevent it from being stored in unsightly areas of the body- butt, thighs, arms, belly, etc. Vitamin A: This ingredient is for the repair of connective tissue, which is one of the underlying factors of cellulite removal. Poor connective tissue allows cellulite to accumulate wherever it possibly can; and this makes the job of reducing cellulite that much harder, as the cellulite is likely to return if the connective tissue is not repaired and strengthened. Vitamin A takes care of this problem. Algae: The job of this celulite cream ingredient is detoxification. Algae releases the toxins that have long been trapped in the bodies fat storage cells. These toxins are the cause of the skins "cottage cheese" appearance. So basically, with algae as an active ingredient in the anti cellulite cream, toxins and "cottage cheese" skin will be no more. L-Carnitine: This is an amino acid that speeds up a person's metabolic rates and decreases the number of cells that store fat. In a nutshell, this ingredient will help to burn more calories and decrease overall fat storage. These 5 specific ingredients will be present in the best of the best anti cellulite treatment creams. If they're not, you may need to do some background research on the ingredients that a particular cream includes. After all, new, more powerful ingredients are discovered all the time for cellulite removal -- so you really never know what has been improved or just thrown out completely. Quick Note: For better and much longer lasting results, combine cellulite treatment cream with cellulite diet and exercise.

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Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Ma Stribley on May 14, 2011 6:03 PM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Claretha Burd on May 14, 2011 6:05 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Lavinia Piekos on May 14, 2011 6:55 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Dorthey Crome on May 14, 2011 7:21 PM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Kallie Katie on May 14, 2011 7:26 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Hien Oppy on May 14, 2011 7:28 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Elana Ogarro on May 14, 2011 7:29 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Violet Eiselman on May 14, 2011 7:30 PM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Bethanie Kenner on May 14, 2011 7:33 PM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Stephnie Lascurain on May 14, 2011 7:34 PM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thng ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Clarice Baysden on May 14, 2011 7:38 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,cheers for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Letha Blechman on May 14, 2011 7:39 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Nenita Hintz on May 14, 2011 7:41 PM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Jeannette Schreck on May 14, 2011 7:49 PM

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Posted by: fashion tips on May 14, 2011 7:50 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Joya Anichini on May 14, 2011 7:50 PM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Maurice Conelli on May 14, 2011 8:00 PM

Hi the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Maryrose Osden on May 14, 2011 8:01 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Lorelei Parisien on May 14, 2011 8:01 PM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Darla Griffing on May 14, 2011 8:02 PM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Lera Sawer on May 14, 2011 8:06 PM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Florida Lydecker on May 14, 2011 8:07 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Pearly Stakelin on May 14, 2011 8:10 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: France Sconyers on May 14, 2011 8:14 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Easter Farrill on May 14, 2011 8:15 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Monserrate Blalack on May 14, 2011 8:23 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Sherill Davaz on May 14, 2011 8:42 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Marylouise Mclennon on May 14, 2011 8:50 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thng ,cheers for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Ariana Tayse on May 14, 2011 8:51 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Jerry Brewington on May 14, 2011 8:51 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Alleen Ritz on May 14, 2011 8:54 PM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Creola Visitacion on May 14, 2011 8:56 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Lanie Ohare on May 14, 2011 8:57 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Georgeanna Jungwirth on May 14, 2011 8:59 PM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Lilian Englemann on May 14, 2011 9:03 PM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Cassandra Alie on May 14, 2011 9:04 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Evelyne Wigboldy on May 14, 2011 9:08 PM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Brittany Shindler on May 14, 2011 9:09 PM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Bobbie Borger on May 14, 2011 9:09 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Jeanett Borom on May 14, 2011 9:10 PM

Hi the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Aundrea Rohrdanz on May 14, 2011 9:12 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Tabetha Duchesney on May 14, 2011 9:14 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Rene Widdop on May 14, 2011 9:16 PM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Kellie Lucci on May 14, 2011 9:17 PM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Keely Grabler on May 14, 2011 9:18 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Towanda Arnall on May 14, 2011 9:19 PM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Chante Gowers on May 14, 2011 9:20 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thng ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Robin Kristek on May 14, 2011 9:22 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Karyl Bakeley on May 14, 2011 9:22 PM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Nova Walterson on May 14, 2011 9:28 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Jeanett Borom on May 14, 2011 9:32 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Thomasena Vanschoick on May 14, 2011 9:40 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thng ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Noma Setlock on May 14, 2011 9:40 PM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your effort spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Johnsie Piede on May 14, 2011 9:41 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Bao Settles on May 14, 2011 9:55 PM

Hi the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Zoe Tauscher on May 14, 2011 9:58 PM

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Posted by: Southwest Promo Code on May 14, 2011 10:02 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Dana Bahler on May 14, 2011 10:04 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Lelah Hurrigan on May 14, 2011 10:04 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all your time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Marietta Lamastus on May 14, 2011 10:05 PM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Angelique Kleese on May 14, 2011 10:07 PM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Nelle Maffett on May 14, 2011 10:09 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Torrie Pranger on May 14, 2011 10:10 PM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Arnetta Sweadner on May 14, 2011 10:13 PM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Vinnie Bance on May 14, 2011 10:13 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Dena Brassell on May 14, 2011 10:14 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,cheers for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Afton Nimox on May 14, 2011 10:15 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Maryrose Osden on May 14, 2011 10:16 PM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Karly Zuccaro on May 14, 2011 10:24 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Akilah Winnie on May 14, 2011 10:24 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Keith Zuk on May 14, 2011 10:25 PM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Melonie Truchon on May 14, 2011 10:27 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Winnifred Bauernfeind on May 14, 2011 10:31 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Sabrina Goosey on May 14, 2011 10:32 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Bonny Dinges on May 14, 2011 10:32 PM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Laurel Mcdaniel on May 14, 2011 10:42 PM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Adella Renfroe on May 14, 2011 10:43 PM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Mafalda Dunaway on May 14, 2011 10:44 PM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Hae Bauce on May 14, 2011 10:45 PM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Earlie Markunas on May 14, 2011 10:47 PM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Malorie Hornbeak on May 14, 2011 10:54 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Lera Sawer on May 14, 2011 10:54 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Anastacia Ourso on May 14, 2011 10:56 PM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Krysten Solinski on May 14, 2011 10:58 PM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Jong Nargi on May 14, 2011 10:59 PM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Tonja Stockon on May 14, 2011 11:08 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Sherell Slavin on May 14, 2011 11:11 PM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Christa Scafuto on May 14, 2011 11:50 PM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Casie Ritenour on May 14, 2011 11:51 PM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Taunya Bloise on May 14, 2011 11:52 PM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Halina Cwik on May 15, 2011 12:18 AM

Hi the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Loise Newbauer on May 15, 2011 12:19 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Kate Matta on May 15, 2011 12:22 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Tatiana Grabinski on May 15, 2011 12:23 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Dena Karam on May 15, 2011 12:25 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Pearly Stakelin on May 15, 2011 12:26 AM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Pansy Howton on May 15, 2011 12:27 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Tracy Kuanoni on May 15, 2011 12:34 AM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Cassey Shishido on May 15, 2011 12:36 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Albertina Ruel on May 15, 2011 12:41 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Yukiko Dimling on May 15, 2011 12:43 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Santina Riehm on May 15, 2011 12:44 AM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Rosaline Schwanbeck on May 15, 2011 12:46 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Tracee Schimke on May 15, 2011 12:54 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Yukiko Dimling on May 15, 2011 12:55 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Leesa Boulet on May 15, 2011 12:57 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Jamika James on May 15, 2011 12:59 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Veronika Callez on May 15, 2011 1:01 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to read this thng ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Gertrudis Buegler on May 15, 2011 1:03 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Nicola Roen on May 15, 2011 1:03 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Pei Delaportilla on May 15, 2011 1:05 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to see this thng ,cheers for all the time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Tony Nanasy on May 15, 2011 1:06 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Despina Graydon on May 15, 2011 1:27 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Keith Zuk on May 15, 2011 1:40 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Brandi Mckemie on May 15, 2011 1:42 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Maryjane Dunkentell on May 15, 2011 1:43 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Elissa Nikolai on May 15, 2011 1:43 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Georgie Boakye on May 15, 2011 1:45 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Clelia Tannahill on May 15, 2011 1:46 AM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Hazel Tomasek on May 15, 2011 1:49 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Mckenzie Stratman on May 15, 2011 1:49 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Inocencia Card on May 15, 2011 1:50 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Chante Gowers on May 15, 2011 1:57 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Aurore Shoeman on May 15, 2011 1:58 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Sina Garen on May 15, 2011 1:58 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all your effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Aurore Shoeman on May 15, 2011 2:00 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Alana Tataris on May 15, 2011 2:01 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Lourie Michavd on May 15, 2011 2:21 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Virgie Lasso on May 15, 2011 2:22 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Rose Mudget on May 15, 2011 2:22 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Janee Agnor on May 15, 2011 2:24 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Winnie Rampey on May 15, 2011 2:24 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Rosita Tarquinio on May 15, 2011 2:25 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all the time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Terina Veronesi on May 15, 2011 2:26 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Charleen Lallo on May 15, 2011 2:27 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,cheers for all the time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Kiersten Creegan on May 15, 2011 2:28 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Claretta Brougher on May 15, 2011 2:29 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Michelle Lamm on May 15, 2011 2:30 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Julio Redding on May 15, 2011 2:31 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Lupita Hursey on May 15, 2011 2:32 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Juana Overbaugh on May 15, 2011 2:33 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Angela Erstad on May 15, 2011 2:34 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Bobbie Borger on May 15, 2011 2:34 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Danuta Blumenstock on May 15, 2011 2:38 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Miki Girgenti on May 15, 2011 2:38 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Leanora Forsythe on May 15, 2011 2:39 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Joye Torn on May 15, 2011 2:40 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Shelli Vasseur on May 15, 2011 2:41 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Hermila Krukiel on May 15, 2011 2:42 AM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Altha Terris on May 15, 2011 2:43 AM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Jetta Lofstead on May 15, 2011 2:43 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Edward Sobeski on May 15, 2011 2:44 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Hortense Bodary on May 15, 2011 2:45 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Naomi Regula on May 15, 2011 2:46 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Delora Englund on May 15, 2011 2:46 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thng ,cheers for all your time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Leanora Forsythe on May 15, 2011 2:47 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Neely Diss on May 15, 2011 2:48 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Hallie Walthour on May 15, 2011 2:50 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Teresia Savitsky on May 15, 2011 2:51 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Antonietta Gonneville on May 15, 2011 2:52 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Saundra Wenstrand on May 15, 2011 2:53 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Sabrina Goosey on May 15, 2011 2:53 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Ardith Brophy on May 15, 2011 2:58 AM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Marylou Schabowski on May 15, 2011 3:01 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Jeanett Bunk on May 15, 2011 3:02 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Darla Griffing on May 15, 2011 3:03 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Margarita Buschner on May 15, 2011 3:12 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Mackenzie Przedwiecki on May 15, 2011 3:13 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Darnell Contreraz on May 15, 2011 3:16 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Jannet Angalich on May 15, 2011 3:19 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Lera Sawer on May 15, 2011 3:24 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all your time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Vinnie Bance on May 15, 2011 3:28 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Jettie Braam on May 15, 2011 3:29 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Lashandra Mikita on May 15, 2011 3:30 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Margy Chambers on May 15, 2011 3:31 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Carmelita Sheingold on May 15, 2011 3:32 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Winnie Rampey on May 15, 2011 3:33 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Hilde Terhaar on May 15, 2011 3:36 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Gianna Kostyk on May 15, 2011 3:37 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Kasi Krienke on May 15, 2011 3:42 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Michael Roux on May 15, 2011 3:42 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Sona Garder on May 15, 2011 3:44 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your effort spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Leann Montijo on May 15, 2011 3:49 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Vicenta Mintos on May 15, 2011 3:50 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Tatiana Grabinski on May 15, 2011 3:50 AM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Lorelei Parisien on May 15, 2011 3:55 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Ashanti Leeman on May 15, 2011 3:55 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Lera Sawer on May 15, 2011 3:56 AM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Andra Neverman on May 15, 2011 3:57 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,cheers for all your time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Aracelis Wexell on May 15, 2011 3:58 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Lupita Hursey on May 15, 2011 4:03 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Aundrea Rohrdanz on May 15, 2011 4:03 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Tammy Perchinski on May 15, 2011 4:08 AM

Hi the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Parthenia Madine on May 15, 2011 4:09 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Dora Freels on May 15, 2011 4:10 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Jewell Kingdon on May 15, 2011 4:23 AM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Numbers Kahao on May 15, 2011 4:26 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Nannette Gundert on May 15, 2011 4:27 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Kenda Stasko on May 15, 2011 4:34 AM

hello m8 the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all your effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Christa Groome on May 15, 2011 4:36 AM

hello the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Shaunda Voorhis on May 15, 2011 4:38 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Mee Campo on May 15, 2011 4:40 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Edward Sobeski on May 15, 2011 4:42 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Melonie Truchon on May 15, 2011 4:43 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Afton Nimox on May 15, 2011 4:45 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Hilde Terhaar on May 15, 2011 4:48 AM

hello the info on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Josefine Dimanche on May 15, 2011 4:55 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Dione Matturro on May 15, 2011 5:11 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Wai Demyers on May 15, 2011 5:14 AM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Loise Maurizio on May 15, 2011 5:15 AM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Lona Darcy on May 15, 2011 5:17 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Sierra Baxtor on May 15, 2011 5:19 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Claretta Nacy on May 15, 2011 5:20 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Vivienne Bramucci on May 15, 2011 5:28 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this fabulous resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Latosha Malden on May 15, 2011 5:42 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all your time you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Annabel Bakalar on May 15, 2011 5:43 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Eileen Janco on May 15, 2011 5:48 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this fabulous blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Angella Wamboldt on May 15, 2011 5:51 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Allyn Mielczarek on May 15, 2011 5:52 AM

hello the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i know that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Lilian Soro on May 15, 2011 5:52 AM

hello the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this fabulous blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Kendra Abbe on May 15, 2011 5:53 AM

hello the information on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all your time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Michaela Costlow on May 15, 2011 6:00 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous site ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Despina Graydon on May 15, 2011 6:03 AM

Hi the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thing ,Thanks for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Venus Hindall on May 15, 2011 6:06 AM

very good put up, i certainly love this website, carry on it

Posted by: myth and facts about spreading genital herpes on May 15, 2011 6:09 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i know that others need to see this thing ,cheers for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Yung Skalak on May 15, 2011 6:19 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thng ,Thanks for all the time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Tamie Westcote on May 15, 2011 6:21 AM

hello m8 the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thing ,cheers for all your effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Lonnie Boll on May 15, 2011 6:23 AM

hello the information on this blog is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the time spent in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Jodie Breitenbucher on May 15, 2011 6:25 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Maricruz Sonnen on May 15, 2011 6:26 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to see this thng ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Maryrose Tumblin on May 15, 2011 6:27 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that people need to read this thing ,cheers for all the time spent in making this fabulous site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Winifred Malvaez on May 15, 2011 6:29 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all the effort spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Sharri Raup on May 15, 2011 6:31 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that others need to read this thng ,cheers for all your effort you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Gemma Rodriges on May 15, 2011 6:32 AM

Hi the info on this site is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i know that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your time you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Kellee Stettler on May 15, 2011 6:33 AM

hello m8 the info on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this fabulous resource ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Hien Oppy on May 15, 2011 6:35 AM

hello the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to see this thing ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Rosario Forbus on May 15, 2011 6:38 AM

Hi the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i know that others need to see this thng ,cheers for all your time spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Karie Sutic on May 15, 2011 6:39 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to promote this site as i feel that others need to read this thng ,thankyou for all your time spent in making this brilliant blog ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Margarita Lessly on May 15, 2011 6:50 AM

Hi the info on this site is just incredible it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to promote this blog as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all the effort spent in making this brilliant site ! ok,nice one

Posted by: Teresita Lennart on May 15, 2011 6:57 AM

Hi the info on this blog is just amazing it keeps me coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very troubled funerals so i couldnt love it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that others need to see this thng ,thankyou for all your effort you take in making this brilliant resource ! ok,thankyou

Posted by: Marla Cheeseman on May 15, 2011 7:00 AM

hello m8 the information on this site is just incredible it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this site as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all the effort you take in making this brilliant site ! ok,thanks

Posted by: Fe Kolata on May 15, 2011 7:00 AM

hello the information on this blog is just amazing it keeps us coming back time and time again ,personallythis site has helped me through some very tough funerals so i couldnt like it any more i have done my best to to word out about this blog as i feel that people need to see this thing ,Thanks for all your time you take in making this brilliant blog ! ok,cheers

Posted by: Despina Plain on May 15, 2011 7:03 AM

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