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Posted by: Hobert Gaud on April 3, 2011 1:41 AMApple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass' favor.
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Posted by: Ruth Liston on April 3, 2011 9:48 PMThe Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it'll do even better in those areas, but for now it's a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod's strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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Posted by: Marcene Amaro on April 4, 2011 9:36 AMHands down, Apple's app store wins by a mile. It's a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I'm not sure I'd want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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Posted by: fortune teller online on April 18, 2011 2:25 AMDining out can be a treat for your taste buds but a disaster for your weight loss program. It doesn’t have to be if you choose your restaurant carefully. Chinese, Japanese, and Thai restaurants can help you lose weight. Most oriental cuisines rely on vegetables and rice as the major ingredients in their dishes. Meat is treated as a condiment rather than a main course. This is great news for people on a weight loss program. Meat is calorie dense and has a lot fat. Vegetables are calorie poor and, for the most part, have very little fat. Stay away from deep fried dishes like tempura. Stir fried dishes are fine, the high heat means the vegetables don’t stay in the hot oil long enough to absorb it. Ask for steamed rice rather than fried rice. Steamed rice will help satisfy you and it extends the flavor of the main dish because it absorbs the sauces. Italian restaurants can be a challenge if you can’t stay away from the cream sauces and cheese but a blessing if you can. Think several courses spread out over an hour or so. Antipasto is a great way to start your meal. Concentrate on the veggies and just have a taste of the cheese or meats. Order minestrone soup as your starter. Share a plate of pasta with your dining buddy. Angel hair pasta with extra virgin olive oil, chopped fresh tomatoes, minced garlic, and fresh basil is just as delicious as Fettuccini Alfredo and a lot better for you. Feel like something French? Then think Bistro rather than haute cuisine. Roasted chicken garnished with rosemary and lemon, complimented with fresh asparagus is a much better choice than steak with Béarnaise sauce. Fresh and simple is the mainstay of Bistro cooking rather than creamy and complicated. American steak houses rely on steaks as their mainstay, no surprise there. If you feel you have to order steak, have filet mignon, it’s one of the leanest cuts of beef. Make sure it’s grilled or broiled with no sauce. Filet is usually served in small portions. Order the petite cut if they have it. Eat slowly and you’ll be as satisfied as if you’d eaten the mega portion of prime rib. Most steak houses emphasize their seafood as much as their beef. Seafood is a better choice for your diet than beef. Choose fresh vegetables for your sides rather than potato, or creamed spinach. Whatever the restaurant you can maintain your weight loss program if you carefully choose your entrée and how it’s prepared.
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Cellulite build up is disgusting and very damaging to the skin, which can be see by the condition of the skin once these fatty deposits have "taken root". While some people will go on & on about how it's "natural" to have celulite and how it's very difficult to get rid of so you shouldn't even bother, most of us can't simply "accept it" and move on with our lives. Our self confidence is far too damaged for that to be possible. Fortunately for us all, there are numerous ways to get rid of cellulite and to make sure it stays off of our bodies for good. So, if you're having celulite problems, do yourself a favor and learn how to lose cellulite fast by reading the 7 tips below. 7 Ways to Lose Cellulite Naturally... 1. Fish Oil Capsules: Most people aren't open to the idea of eating lots & lots of fish each and every week. That said, the best next thing is to take fish oils capsules regularly -- also known as omega-3 capsules. Why is fish important for getting rid of cellulite? Because they contain wildly beneficial oils & fats which can help to improve and repair your skin. 2. Proteins: Rather than giant burgers and massive streaks, you need to eat leaner cuts of meat and poultry. This will equip your body with much needed amino acids so that it can better fight off celulite. Nuts are also an excellent source of protein & “good†fats. 3. Healthier Diet: Less junk food, more fruits & veggies and all natural foods. Fiber abundant, antioxidant-rich, vitamin-packed foods are a tremendous help when trying to lose cellulite. You don't have to become a hardcore dieter to get the benefits, but you will have to make several "smart" eating changes. To make it easier, start small and incorporate a few “healthier†items into your meals with each new day. 4. 20 Minutes of Cardio: Let's face it, cellulite is attracted to lazy, inactive individuals that are more akin to watching TV on the couch then they are to jogging around the neighborhood. Is an hour at the gym every day necessary? No, but you will have to get a bit more active to keep your circulation & bloodflow at heightened levels; a measure which keeps cellulite from getting too "comfortable". Swimming, running, jogging, playing Wii Fit, power walking, aerobics video, etc. 5. Daily Skin Brushing: Using a dry skin brush isn't that great of a technique for how to lose cellulite, but it can help to reduce the appearance of dimples and bumpy skin. Use this several times a day to get a more even texture across the surface of the skin. 6. Massages and Lotions: A cellulite massager combined with a good anti-cellulite lotion is an excellent, excellent strategy to make use of. Do this method twice daily -- apply the cream, then use the massager thoroughly on your skin -- and you'll see impressive results far faster than ANY other remedy listed here. 7. Patience & Determination: Alright, you caught me, this isn't an actual strategy for how to lose cellulite. But you need to understand that these two things are incredibly vital to your success. Cellulite reduction will not happen overnight, no matter how many cellulite treatments you use. It's going to take time -- perhaps 3 weeks, perhaps 3 months, perhaps half a year. The important thing is for you to stick with your chosen remedies and never give up. The reason most people fail to lose cellulite when they begin their “quest†is because they give up too soon. Remember that when you feel like quitting!
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Posted by: Canastillas Bebe on April 19, 2011 8:26 AMWhen it comes to getting rid of cellulite, there are more than enough natural remedies to try out. However, if those natural cellulite remedies fail, which is not unheard of, you may need to seek out alternative remedies -- such as mesotherapy treatments. Mesotherapy treatments involve relatively painless injections, done with a mesotherapy gun, to areas prone to cellulite accumulation. These injections are designed to melt away cellulite and allow it to harmlessly pass through the bowels and kidneys. The entire procedure is quite simple and you'll be out of the mesotherapy center before you know it. Although it's a great perk, the important issue at hand is not how easy the procedure is nor how painless it is for an individual. The real issue is what you'll look like with mesotherapy before and after the procedure is completed. Before the procedure, well that's pretty obvious, you're going to have cellulite on or all over your body. But, what will happen after the mesotherapy treatments end? Will cellulite really be completely removed from your body? Or, will it remain there? Hopefully, your cellulite problem will be totally eliminated after the treatment, or at least significantly reduced. If it isn't, well, you will simply have to try & try again. "Try and try again? What do you mean?" It is exactly how it sounds; you'll have to get more cellulite mesotherapy treatments until a successful injection cocktail can be identified. Since the trained mesotherapist has no idea what your body will react to nor how the cellulite will react to the ingredients it is being injected with, the specialist has to mix and match ingredients until he finds a suitable "cellulite reducing" cocktail for you. Don't worry though, as these cellulite cocktails are made up of all-natural ingredients that won't cause harmful side-effects; generally speaking that is. As you can well guess, mesotherapy wouldn't be too popular if patients were being constantly injected with dangerous drugs that MAY or MAY NOT reduce cellulite. Are mesotherapy treatment injections expensive? Yes, they can be; especially if they are done on a regular basis, as experts highly recommend. Although, when you really think about it, it's hard to put a price on cellulite removal when it only requires a simple injection every now and again. If you keep up the mesotherapy treatments, there is no doubt that you'll be able to rid your body of cellulite once and for all. In fact, it's safe to say that it'll be only a couple of months before your out & about showing your mesotherapy before and after photos to all of your friends and family!
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Posted by: Canastillas Bebe on April 20, 2011 11:34 PMLearning how to loose cellulite is not all that difficult -- actually removing it is. However, eliminating cellulite does not have to be hard. In fact, cellulite removal can be pretty easy when you have the right information. Eat less junk food. Eating no junk food would be a better solution, but it is usually easier to change your diet gradually than all at once. Junk foods contain toxins, fats, and calories that are harmful to the body. By reducing the intake of these substances, cellulite will accumulate less, and remaining cellulite will be easier to get rid of. Try to exercise a bit more. When you exercise for cellulite removal, you're not only helping to get rid of ugly cellulite, but you are also getting healthier as well. You don't have to join a gym or spend 2-3 hours working out every day – 10 to 15 minutes a day, 2-4 times a week is all you really need. As you get more accustomed to the exercises, that 15 minutes will turn to 30 minutes without you even realizing it. Drink more water & vegetable juice. Switch out the caffeine drinks and sodas with fresh, clean water and vitamin containing vegetable juice. Water will cleanse the body of the toxins that heavily contribute toward cellulite accumulation, while vegetable juice will empower the body with vitamins and minerals that protect and rejuvenate the skin & immune system. Eat more fish. This is a great way to get rid of cellulite because fish contain oils and fats that are great for the body. Rather than frying the fish, switch to baking and/or grilling instead. Use cellulite treatment creams. Anti-cellulite creams can be picked up at most retail or drug stores without a prescription. Simply rub the cream into the skin to achieve cellulite reduction. Cellulite removal will not happen instantaneously, but results should be seen within a few weeks, or months, of using the cream. This method is most effective when combined with cellulite exercises.
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Posted by: California on April 21, 2011 11:02 PMDid you know that you can actually exercise for cellulite removal? Well, it's true. Aside from the creams, diets, and other natural cellulite cures, exercising is one of the most powerful methods for reducing celulite ever known. Unfortunately though, because it is in fact "exercising," not many people are fond of the technique and just give up on it too easily. This is truly a shame because virtually everyone can use exercises to get rid of cellulite. What type of exercising is the best? That would be aerobic and/or cardiovascular exercising. These types of exercises get the blood flowing, they increase circulation, and they even help to build muscle -- all are huge factors in both cellulite reduction and build up. Increased blood flow and circulation means a less habitable environment for ugly cellulite, meaning it won't likely accumulate in "active" areas of the body. Also, increased muscle means more calorie burning, resulting in less calories to be stored in your body's fat cells. "What specific exercises can do all of these things simultaneously? And, will I need to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive cellulite equipment to be able to do them?" No, you won't have to spend tons of money on expensive equipment. This is due to the fact that these activities typically consist of running, jogging, walking, bike riding, swimming, etc. -- all outdoor activities. Having said that, you can do all of your cellulite exercises outside without spending a dime on anything -- Or, if you prefer, you can buy an inexpensive treadmill and do the exercises in your home or even at the office. When you exercise for cellulite removal, you are not just getting rid of cellulite, you are actually getting healthier and more fit with each passing day. And since these exercises take only 10-20 minutes a day for 3-4 days a week, you really have no excuse not to start your own cellulite workout schedule.
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Posted by: Hawaii on April 22, 2011 11:52 PMWhen you have more than the normal amount of cellulite in your body, it is very hard to feel good about your appearance. The appearance of cellulite can throw your entire level of self-confidence out the window and cause you to feel horrible about the way you look. When this happens, it is time to take action and start learning how to get rid of cellulite naturally. Luckily for you, there are 5 natural cellulite remedies located directly below! Powerful Cellulite Massage- When the skin is firmly massaged, the blood flow increases as well as does the lymphatic drainage -- the result of which is the breakdown & prevention of cellulite. This cellulite reduction can be easily seen when problems areas on the skin begin to become less bloated and puffy. Unfortunately, cellulite massage can not be done by anyone at any time, as it takes a specific method to achieve the desired results. To be truly effective, lymphatic massage should be performed by a trained specialist. Cellulite Diet- This is another natural way of getting rid of cellulite that works great. Because our bodies react to what we eat on a regular basis, reducing cellulite can easily be done by watching what we eat. However, dieting is rarely "easy," meaning some dedication and strong motivation will be required to stick with a cellulite diet plan. This natural cellulite treatment, like many other types of diets, requires the giving up of sweets and fatty foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits need to included in most daily meals, and they should even be eaten between the 3 main meals of the day. A snack every once in a while won't hinder your cellulite reduction goals, but you need to have some measure of self-control. Also, keep in mind the fact that skipping meals is a bad thing. Keeping to a regular eating schedule -- breakfast, lunch, & dinner -- is important for maintaining a fast metabolism. Water Consumption- This natural way of getting rid of cellulite requires only that you drink water. Water is a natural cleanser that can help repair the connective tissue in your body, thereby making it harder for celulite to accumulate. This technique should be used in conjunction with other cellulite remedies, as it will not completely eliminate cellulite all on it's own. Natural Anti Cellulite Creams- There are numerous creams & lotion out on the market that can help in reducing cellulite; such as Revitol. The important thing to remember when buying cellulite removal creams is quality. It does no good to buy cream if all it really does is moisturize the skin -- and believe it or not, there are imitation creams that do ONLY that. When considering the best anti cellulite creams, research is key. You need to know what ingredients are contained within the cream and if those ingredients are in any way effective in the treatment of cellulite. Generally speaking, you should begin seeing results with any anti-cellulite cream within 2-4 months. Eliminate Cellulite With Exercise- This natural way of getting rid of cellulite is often considered to be the most effective cellulite reduction treatment there is. Cardiovascular & aerobic exercises, activities like running, jogging, walking, and treadmill exercising, reduce cellulite accumulation and they can greatly strengthen the connective tissue in the body, which also happens to reduce cellulite. A regular exercise routine that targets all the problems areas of the body is highly recommended. Once you come up with a cellulite exercise routine that works, stick to it and results should be seen within a matter of weeks -- or months depending on your particular workout. You don't have just 1 natural way of getting rid of cellulite, but 5 different ways! Start using these natural cellulite cures today for a sexier & healthier body tomorrow!
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