September 29, 2002
What's that Smell?

I was telling Chris about this last night so I thought I’d just go ahead and tell the world this morning. Last night I was baking a pizza and getting ready to watch a movie. When I went back into the kitchen to check on it I thought I got a small whiff of something burning. After checking around I couldn’t find anything but since the windows were open I briefly thought that it was coming in from outside.

Later on, I mentioned it to Lisa who couldn’t smell it. Some time later, Lisa decided that she could smell it after I said it was getting worse. Well, when the pizza came out I made a discovery. In the bottom of the oven there was a large, green, smoldering blob. After some further discussion we decided that it was one of those green plastic chip bag clips that had some how went for a ride on the pizza pan, via it’s magnet.

At some point today I suppose I’ll have to make an attempt to get that thing pried up on the bottom. That should really be a good time.

Posted by at 10:40 AM
September 28, 2002
New Hobby

Today we did something that we’ve talked about for a long time. Geocaching. I’ve had a GPS unit for several years and today was the most fun I’ve had with it yet. Honestly, I don’t even remember why I bought the thing in the first place. Must have been one of those “just gotta have one” deals.

Lisa of course took the camera along for the ride. The weather was about perfect and we all had a pretty good time. Since this was our first attempt at it I had some concerns about not being able to find it. Turns out, this was an easy one for us to start out with. Actually, we just picked the closest one to us since we thought we might have a time issue.

I’m sure that we will hit more of these as time permits. There are a surprising number of them close to us. We may even plant one or two ourselves. It reminds me of something my brother-in-law did when I was a kid. He had clues hidden and we ran all over from place to place until we found what he had hidden. Kinda funny the things that you can remember that many years back.

If you have a GPS I highly suggest that you give this a try. After all, you have to have some kind of an excuse for all the gadgets that you have.

Posted by at 08:56 PM
September 27, 2002
Fun with Lisa

I was just having some “Fun with Lisa” as I like to think of it. Every now and again I get some new songs and play them for her. She almost always hates them. Today’s samples were from “Breaking Benjamin”, “Theory of a Dead Man” and “3 Doors Down”. I may have actually found a couple that she likes. I tried her out on “Stone Sour” the other day. That didn’t go too well. We seem to like different things when it comes to music.

Posted by at 10:59 AM
Friday Again

It’s Friday again. Once again, I’ve gone all week without posting anything. There have been a couple of things that I was going to post but just never got it done. Time sure gets away from a guy these days.

One thing that I keep thinking that I need to do is to call some people. Every weekend I think that I will do that but I still haven’t gotten it done. I’ve got a ton of minutes on my cell phone on that nights and weekends plan so I really should use more of them. Nationwide long distance is very nice to have. There really is no excuse for me not calling people other than a poor memory or no time to do it. Some of these people don’t have e-mail (if you can imagine that) so I should just make the time and get it done. Well see how it goes.

Posted by at 10:40 AM
September 22, 2002
Cooling off

I was just looking at the weather and they are saying that it’s going to get down into the 30’s tomorrow night. Doesn’t seem like summer is that close to being over but I guess it is. My boating days may be over for this year. Actually, this is my favorite time of year. The time when it gets cool in the evenings yet, there is no snow. Just light jacket weather without the inconvenience of the white stuff.

Posted by at 10:58 PM
It's a girl

Just noticed that I forgot to mention: It’s a Girl!! Close guess on my part since I said noon and she was born just after 3. Gonna have to get up there and see her sometime soon.

Posted by at 10:33 AM
September 19, 2002
Where's that baby?

Last night a Great Niece of mine went into the hospital to have her first baby. That will make me a Great Great Uncle for the first time. She was supposed to be in at 8 pm and as of right now we still have not heard anything. I was guessing that it would be close to noon so if I’m right we should be getting a call anytime. I dropped off one of my digital cameras with them last night before they left so they could take plenty of pictures. That place will probably look like an electronics store with all the cameras, which I hear is to include video. May have to post a few pictures later on for people that won’t be able to make it up there right away.

All of this has made me do some thinking. Seems funny to me that I can remember stuff that happened 20 + years ago. I guess I’m older than I think I am. Once, long ago I was someplace with her and ran into someone who asked me who she was. She was pretty young at the time and told them that I was her uncle. I explained the whole deal and they said “Oh, he’s your Great Uncle then?” to which she said “Yes, he sure is”. That was probably 15 or 16 years ago. Time really gets away from a person.

Posted by at 11:51 AM
September 17, 2002
Sleep Over

Last night Ben came over again to spend the night. Lisa went and got him like she told him she would. He didn’t want to go back home Sunday at all. He called me after he got home to see if he could come back. I had to tell him that he just needed to go to bed since he had school in the morning. He was pretty sure that I could take him and it would work out fine. I told him that he could come back and stay again and that was the best that could be done at the moment. So Lisa decided last night to go get him so he could stay.

I got him up this morning and he went with me to take C. to the bus. We all had a pretty good time. There was a little bit of concern on how he’d be that early in the morning as I have heard that he isn’t real pleasant to be around. This of course, turned out to be not true. Once he was awake he was fine and telling stories like he always does. The mind of a 3 year old boy moves very quickly from topic to topic.

The only problem I can see with this whole deal is that he may be planning on coming back tonight, and really, that wouldn’t be all that bad of a deal anyway. He told me that C. wanted him to. He said one time that he was going to come and stay for a year. I think he would stay quite a long time if he could. I really hate it that I wasn’t able to get them for a couple of weeks this summer. Maybe next year I’ll have a job that allows me to do that.

And……speaking of jobs. The new car finally hit the streets last night. I think I like it.

Posted by at 09:30 AM
September 15, 2002

Kind of noisy around here this morning. The boys are both up and, after the customary cereal request, are running wildly around the house. Lucky for us they slept in a little bit today. At the moment though, they are running, yelling, playing with guns and generally trying to make as much noise as possible. Ben tried to knock Julio off his table while looking at the other birds. That’s always a good time, unless your Julio. I make have to put on some more coffee so that I can keep up with them today.

I’m sure that I was once the same way, I just can’t remember it. It would be nice though, to be able to hit the ground running first thing in the morning. The only time I can seem to do that anymore is if I have something planned for that day. That must be the trick. Come to think of it, there is an amazing difference on the school days.

Posted by at 11:57 AM
Up Late

I really should be in bed right now but I’m not. Why? Cause the small one took a nap on me about 8 pm tonight and I didn’t know it. It had been way too quiet back there so I went to look and sure enough, he was out. There may be hope though since he just asked if it was about time to go to bed. I think I’ll go try my luck. We’ll see how it goes.

Posted by at 12:24 AM
September 11, 2002
Fun Day at Work

“Male subject firing a weapon out the back door of a residence” across the radio is how it all started. Yesterday, I had more fun at work that I have ever had. The short version is that I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. After responding to that radio call, the DMPD got into a foot chase and I happened to be right there. They lost the guy who did a “double back” on them and right to me. I helped them catch him and had a damn good time doing it. Overall, a good time had by all. Well, almost all.

Posted by at 01:22 PM
September 08, 2002

Today, Lisa decided to do something that she’s talked about doing for a long time. No, she’s not getting rid of all my stuff. Just some of it. She thinks that I have too many pairs of jeans that I don’t wear. True, I have a few that don’t fit anymore so off to eBay they go. Something like 12 pairs. All of which are in very good shape.

We have talked about this for quite some time but never got motivated enough or found the time to actually do it. It was either that or a garage sale which doesn’t really appeal to me all that much. Besides, eBay is fun and if your going to be sitting here anyway you might as well make some money while your doing it. Plus, it gets rid of some stuff that someone can use and we can certainly use the space it will free up.

Posted by at 10:16 PM
September 07, 2002
Chainsaw Sharpening

I just noticed that today I got another page hit for “How to sharpen a chainsaw”. Some time back I had mentioned that I needed to do that but didn’t know how. Well, I got it done and it isn’t that hard to do. In fact, it’s quite easy. Here is the article that I used to learn how to do it. I hope the people that land on this page looking for that can get as much good out of it as I did. Hey, let me know if you do.

Posted by at 10:27 AM
September 05, 2002
cars, painting & birds

Today I start back on my regular shift. Also, the new patrol car may be on the road today. I really kind of doubt it but it’s possible. This thing has been so much trouble so far it almost scares me to think that it may be on the road soon. Once that happens the odds of something else happening really increase. I was trying to decide the other day when it first showed up. Pretty sure it was June but others at work say it was early May.

I’ve about gotten to the point that I don’t even think about it any more. After all, it is just a car. True, it would make work more enjoyable until the new has worn off but that’s just it. It already has and it’s not even been driven yet.

I just got done feeding the baby birds a little bit ago. They have really come a long way with the flying. I’m not real wild about that landing on my head thing that they like to do but watching them take off and put it back down where they want is pretty cool. The toenails are a little sharp and I keep waiting for that warm feeling of them leaving me a present though. So landing on my head is okay, perching there is not.

after today I will be off work for a few days. Probably do some more painting and what not. Lisa started painting the front door yesterday and it may be done today. The next couple of days are supposed to be hot ones so we’ll see how the rest of it goes. I thought that the boat might come out over the week end but that won’t happen if it gets real hot out. Something about being on that thing when it’s real hot doesn’t appeal to me. It’s hard to relax in a microwave.

Posted by at 12:16 PM
September 03, 2002
Night shift

The last few days I have been working nights. I used to do that fairly often but it’s been a while now and I can really feel it. Getting the sleep schedule down is the hardest part. I get home about 9:30 am if I get out of there on time. Once I get home I just want to stay up and do stuff. That isn’t real conducive to a good night at work the next time around though. One thing that I do like about the early morning hours though is the change of scenery. After midnight in the city is a real interesting time. There are lots more “residentially challenged” individuals out and about. Probably more prostitutes out there too but I don’t really see all that many of them.

I also like the fact that the traffic really dies down after midnight during the week. Of course, about 5 am it picks up and by 7 am it’s pretty bad. Lucky for me the rush is all over by the time I leave at 8. I always forget to put my sunglasses in the car too. The first night that I worked I forgot the coffee. Oh I made it, poured it in the thermos then promptly forgot it on the kitchen counter. That night was a real good time. Well, enough of my ramblings for now, I need to be heading out real soon. After I make coffee and put it in the car.

Posted by at 09:54 PM