December 31, 2002

Happy New Year everyone. I will spend it at work but I hope I’m not the only one doing that. Well...I better start getting around. Stay safe.

Posted by at 07:49 PM
December 28, 2002
50's in December

It’s very warm around here for this time of year. If my plan holds together, tomorrow I’m going to get outside and enjoy it a little. We’ll see how that goes.

Posted by at 10:40 PM
December 25, 2002
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.

Posted by at 10:46 AM
December 22, 2002
Down With the Sickness

This is the earliest that I have been up for a while. All the kids spent the night and there seems to be something going around. C got up a little after 7 with a cough (the same one he had all night) so I got up to medicate him. After we got that out of the way I just crashed him out on the couch in an attempt to let everyone else sleep some more. No reason for them all to be up even though I’m pretty certain that Lisa isn’t sleeping anyway.

Late yesterday afternoon Lisa took the two oldest kids out to work on a computer for a friend. I stayed home with Ben, who was taking a nap on the couch, so I could wrap Christmas presents. Over the last few days I have been picking up a piece here and there in my travels, trying to actually get done for once. When all the wrapping was done I found that there was 19 of them. Actually, I just remembered that I missed one so, an even 20 that I have bought so far this year. Amazing. Hopefully, that should be about it.

Posted by at 07:42 AM
December 16, 2002
The Proof is in the Monkey

I knew it! I just knew it. This is pretty funny and it just happened seconds ago so I thought I’d toss it up here for everyone’s enjoyment. Lisa is having a crisis at work and while she was working I started to tell her a story about something at my work last week.

Me: …so he wasn’t going to write a report about it and they were arguing about it.

Lisa: (typing)

Me: And he told him that they would bill them extra for it so he had to write it so that they could do that

Lisa: (typing)

Me: So he said that he’d just go ahead and do it then…

Lisa: (still typing)

Me: And just at that moment a flaming monkey ran into the room

Lisa: My throughput is only 177?

I was pretty sure that she doesn’t always listen to me and now I know. Granted, it was a pretty boring story.

Posted by at 06:39 PM
December 15, 2002
Christmas Plans

Lisa and I went and got a little bit of Christmas shopping done this afternoon. Nobody really seems to know what we are going to do this year since we always went to my Mom’s house. I guess we’ll get that figured out at some point but one thing is for certain: It’s going to be weird.

This is a new deal to me anyway. Doing the shopping this early I mean. In typical guy fashion, I always wait until a day or two before hand to start. I still need to get something good for Emily. There are a few things I have in mind but she sometimes reads this page so I won’t mention any of them. (sorry Em)

Anyway, I’m trying to get back to a somewhat normal sense of being and I think the shopping helps some. At least for a little while. There’s still some left to do and if all goes well I’ll find the time to get it done.

P.S. Ben.... you are going to love what I got you.

Posted by at 12:39 AM
December 08, 2002
Miss You Mom

I may be off of here for a few days as I have a few things to do. Last night at about 7:34 pm my Mom passed away as a result of heart related complications. Much like my Dad, we were all there. I had thought that it might be easier this time. As of right now, I’m still undecided about that.

Posted by at 09:28 AM
December 06, 2002
It's Catching On

On a lighter note: The potato gun adventure thing is catching on. Last week C and I stopped down by Dan’s place for a demonstration. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before Dan had one of his own. Over the next few days we trade some e-mail and I had mentioned some “improvements” that I intended to make to the next one that I build. (and oh yes…there will be a next one) Being the intelligent type that he is, Dan took note of these modifications and incorporated them into his. Last night he came up by with his son and picked up a spare part that I had gotten. This is a particularly important part of the system and he went right home to install it. The report is: The amount of fire after dark is impressive.

Also, Dan has a camera that will do mpeg files so we now have the makings for “Potato Wars” on video. I simply have had too many requests not to get some video up. Stay tuned.

Posted by at 08:56 AM
Heading Out Soon

I’ll be heading back to the hospital pretty soon this morning. More tests for Mom this afternoon and hopefully, we will find something out. I’m not sure what but we need to know what is happening with her. It’s hard to know what to do when you don’t even know what is going on.

Posted by at 08:36 AM
December 05, 2002
Get Well Mom

Last night while at work, the call came in from Lisa. Mom is on an ambulance headed for the hospital. The story is, she’s had a heart attack. So I leave work and meet up with my sisters, brother and niece at the hospital. After several hours, a doctor finally comes in to see her only to tell us that yes, she has had something that caused some heart damage and they will do more tests on Friday to learn more. So far she seems to be in pretty decent shape but you never know about these things.

Posted by at 10:35 PM
December 04, 2002
Long Day

Yesterday I did something that I haven’t done for a very long time. I went an entire 24 hours without seeing Lisa. That just doesn’t happen. I mean sure, there are plenty of days (most) that we don’t have much time together but this was different.

What the deal was, I had a class to attend at work. 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, plus I had to work 4 pm to midnight. So I’m up at 6 something and out the door at 7 something and back home about 1 am something. Since it was a (supposedly) one time deal kind of thing I did it, knowing that I would be damn near dead by the time I got home. Actually, I wasn’t but then again, there was a lot of coffee involved in the story that I failed to mention.

Anyway, I’m back to a normal day today but she’s working so I still won’t be able to make up for it. That’s how it goes sometimes, you’d think I’d be used to it by now.

Posted by at 09:12 AM