December 31, 2003

Happy New Year everyone. Hope you have a good one.

Posted by at 08:58 PM
December 22, 2003
Lack of Posts

Yesterday I checked this page and it was full. A few minutes ago Lisa told me that there wasn’t anything on here, again. There really hasn’t been anything going on around here, just working and that’s too damn boring to talk about.

Once again all of our snow has melted away. I really hope to get some more very soon. The bird hunting has seriously been hurt by the lack of snow (and time) this year. I’d like to get back at it before the season closes. Only about a month to go before it does.

Posted by at 08:50 PM
December 13, 2003

Yesterday afternoon I took the dog out hunting again. For the first time this year, we found some birds. I got three quail which isn’t that great but I’m not going to complain about it. Maybe next time we’ll do better. Hopefully the dog will figure out why we go out and run around so much.

Posted by at 09:26 AM
December 10, 2003
Note to self...

Remember: The weather guys don't know crap.

Posted by at 07:28 PM
December 09, 2003
Let it Snow

We’ve got a blizzard warning out for us tonight. This will be our second snow of the season and it sounds like it will be the best one yet. With this much advance warning it sure isn’t as bad as it could be. The road guys have plenty of time to get ready and plan to be out all night. That’s what my Dad used to do. I went on the plow with him once, on Christmas morning. Maybe that’s why I like this stuff so much.

Posted by at 07:56 PM
December 07, 2003
Dec. 7

It sure doesn’t seem like it, but it was a year ago today that my Mom died. A lot has happened since that time, most of which I won’t get into. It’s just been a very different kind of year. At some point it has got to turn around for the better. At least it seems like it should.

On a lighter note, I’ve been taking the dog out for a little bit of hunting this year. Can’t say that we’ve had any luck so far but still have had a pretty good time doing it. He likes the chance to get out and run without me yelling at him too much. One of these days he will chase something out and might realize what we are actually doing. Even if he never does he still gets plenty of exercise. Sure makes him sleep well when we get home.

Posted by at 08:53 AM