Yesterday my IBM laptop died. That’s about the only machine I’ve used for the last 3 or 4 years I suppose. I bought that thing against the advice of Lisa, who told me that I didn’t need one. What? Didn’t need one? Well what does she know anyway? So I bought it and it was nothing but trouble almost right from the start.
So now I’m back to the old Gateway. I never use this thing except for a few printing jobs and stuff. (The lap top refused to print anything) I guess there were a few games too. Couldn’t do that on the IBM either. Getting used to a full sized keyboard isn’t real easy although it’s much more comfortable. Just doesn’t have a TV in the same room. It sure isn’t quite as handy but at least it doesn’t lock up on the hour like the other one. Man I hated/loved that thing.
So now I’m having to start over again it seems. I’ve lost a few e-mail addresses and things like that though. Sure hate that but maybe I can get them back before anyone notices. I suppose time will tell.