Last night was wonderful. Mark (my boss) sent lobster in celebration of hard work and Todd prepared them for supper. It was great fun and very delicious. Wanna see??
The Des Moines Register had an article yesterday about Iowa skipping Autumn. I believe it! It was 26 degrees when I went to bed at midnight last night. Christopher had soccer this morning and he didnt even protest when I made him wear long underwear under his sweatpants. You know it's cold if a kid wants to bundle up. Yesterday was the homecoming parade. It was sunny but the temp was hovering around 45 degrees. I was shivering so hard that it felt like I was hammering myself into the ground. There were lots of little kids running around with no jackets. What is up with that?? I found a note in Christopher's backpack encouraging parents to send jackets and warmer shoes with their children because they would be going outside for recess. Well duh. What kind of parent doesn't bundle their kids up when it's cold outside? Troubles me to think that some need reminded.
God, if you are listening, could we skip over the cold, rainy months and bust right into snow??
It is miserable outside today - cold and rainy. I can deal with cold and snow but cold and rain makes me want to stay in bed. As predicted, we have had mild winters the past three years and now they are predicting this one to be cold and nasty and well... normal. Normal for Iowa that is. Everyone is panicking about the cost of fuel on the rise and what that means for utility costs. I called my utility company and signed up for budget billing. Since they go off the previous 12 months to figure your monthly cost, it will save me a bundle this winter. Yes mom, I know I will have to adjust it next year so it will eventually catch up to me but for now, I know I won't have to pay $500+ heating bills.
Now, to the real reason for this entry... I checked my referral logs this morning and see that someone found my site by searching for "drug addicted babies". I don't recall ever mentioning drugs, addiction or babies. Anyone care to enlighten me on how the Alta Vista search engine works. They are solely responsible for every weird search string/referral into my site.