I hate it when I have a great idea for a site but the domain name is already taken. I hate it even more when the domain was registered almost three years ago and there's nothing there!! Even the variations on the name I want are taken with nothing there. Grrrrrr... guess I'll have to think on this idea some more.
I just renewed this domain for another year. Guess that makes this place two years old officially. It's "birthday" is in August. Prior to that there was nothing much here really. Random thoughts and some pictures. Then Peter came to visit and documented our meeting. Let me tell ya, nothing will motivate a person like seeing their web counter jump from 39 visitors to 300! It's funny thinking back on it... I sent him a very panicked email that said something like "Peter! You linked to me and there's nothing there!"
Technically, there's still nothing here... nothing for that particular crowd anyway. Sometimes I think I should write about my work and the things I learn in a day but then I think naaahhhh. It really wouldn't appeal to most people reading this and a lot of it I don't care to relive by writing about it. For example, no one really wants to hear how I repartitioned my C: drive today when it didn't even have enough buffer space to download Partition Magic and I certainly don't want to relive the pain. heheh