AIM: lwhirrett  
ICQ: 12336229


Friday, June 08, 2001

Reason why I love Todd - #736

We were eating supper and I was explaining to him the way this little girl looks at Christopher and giving my prediction that she may be our daughter-in-law 20 years from now. The conversation went something like this:

Me: She gives him that coy look that little girls do to little boys they really like.
Him: What look would that be?
Me: Head tilted down, eyes gazing out from under fluttering eyelashes...
Him: Guess I didn't realize girls did that.
Me: You know.. that look I give you right before I say "Come here you big stud"
Him: You have never said that in your life until just now and wouldn't you know, I'm busy eating.

He's so funny.

I've received a few emails (all supportive - thank you) regarding my previous post. I know I shouldn't let other's opinions get to me but I get pretty riled up when I feel like my friends are being attacked or belittled. I'm all better now though.

posted by Lisa 6/08/2001 10:28:00 PM | link it |

This has the potential to really piss me off. Some people are just insistent that *they* own the web, *they* call the shots. How dare anyone do something fun without clearing it through the self-proclaimed big shots first? Maybe the trivial pursuit game was put together to encourage people to check out other blogs?? To encourage you to read a little deeper than just the front page so you can learn about someone new?? Or hell, maybe it's just an elitist game made specifically for our little group and we didn't feel the need to invite you to play. Sucks to be you.

I have earned a reputation among those who know me. It's one of being nice to everyone, playing fair, keeping it light, etc. but the gloves come off when this kind of shit gets started. I've been part of this here internet thang for over three years. I see this time and time again... this "you suck-I rule" mentality. It's sickening and I'm ashamed to admit that I've fallen into it a time or two as well. I cringe when I see a site with flashy animated gifs, scrolling javascript crap, big fonts, mismatched colors... and I think to myself "O.My.God.This.Sucks" That's the web designer in me - the part of me who was told long ago that flashy graphics and big fonts are a no-no. Now, when I view the guestbook (and ya know all those flashy sites have a guestbook... hehehe), there will be a hundred entries saying stuff like, "I love your site! Keep up the good work" or "Where'd you get that graphic? I'd love to have it for my site"

My point is this: every single site appeals to somebody. Some sites have more admirers than others. Some just aren't well known yet. Some don't wish to be known. Even if a site gets one hit a day, that's one person who pays a monthly fee for access to the world wide web. People please, that's the whole point. It's world wide. There's a gazillion sites covering every topic available. No one owns it in its entirety. We all pay rent on our little piece of it and are therefore entitled to do what we want with our space. If you are too small-minded to grasp that concept, I'd appreciate it if you'd step off my portion. Here's a link to help you find your way out. Thank you.

posted by Lisa 6/08/2001 06:15:00 PM | link it |

Thursday, June 07, 2001

... so John has this idea and Amber codes a form. The result:

Blogger Trivial Pursuit

Of course I agreed to participate. Until it's determined whether Amber and John are two separate beings or one twisted individual, I think it's best to just go along with her/him/them.

posted by Lisa 6/07/2001 06:45:00 PM | link it |

Tuesday, June 05, 2001

Where were we?? Oh yeah... if you put a boy in a room with a gun and he finds it, he will handle it. Someone studied this?? I propose that webloggers unite and form sort of a front line defense against stupid studies that usually cost taxpayer money. It would work like this: Professors with too much time on their hands would submit their idea for a study to us. We would review it thoroughly, discuss it amongst ourselves and reach a conclusion. Studies such as the gun/kids would immediately be dismissed as "Duh. We could've told you that already." Only topics that truly needed to be researched would pass our rigorous testing and be allowed to apply for public funds. Now some "duh" studies aren't completely bad. They just need refining. I'm pretty sure we all know that a kid will find the gun and will handle it but we could learn more about the safety issues if the study was refined? What happens if the gun is laying beside an open box of shells? Will the kid assume it's loaded and back away? Will he/she try to load it? If they've been instructed, will they handle it safely or will they instantly forget everything they've been taught? John where are ya when I need ya? He's really good at making this kind of rant work. I suck at it.

Really though... if you stop and think about it, there are a gazillion pointless studies like this published every day. It seems their only purpose is to feed our hysterical nature and further someone's agenda. I hate guns and pretty much despise the NRA. (sorry honey) I admire anyone who puts a dent in their public image but I find this study ridiculous. Whose cause is this helping along? It's a total waste of time and money all across the board.

posted by Lisa 6/05/2001 08:47:00 PM | link it |

Study: Boys who find guns will likely handle them Really?? Oh you can rest assured that I'm not done with this one yet. No time to rant and rave against stupidity this morning though ... gotta get to work.

posted by Lisa 6/05/2001 08:52:00 AM | link it |

Monday, June 04, 2001

Remember the other day when I had a long post ready but deleted it because it sounded stupid? Thanks to Patti being eloquent as always, I can just link to her beautiful words and you'll know what I was thinking. Take out the part about being a good military wife and you have exactly what I was trying to say that day when I was missing Todd so much.

posted by Lisa 6/04/2001 10:01:00 AM | link it |

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