I think I'm actually on the right road to becoming a linux administrator. ha! Two weeks ago I was literally crying because I couldn't understand how to work from a command line. I hate not knowing what I'm doing and when I feel stupid, I get incredibly mad. When I get mad, I cry. (so does my aunt... love ya Aunt Rosie!!)
Anyway, today I decided enough was enough and I would wrestle it down to the ground if it killed me. I went back through notes I've accumulated from Brian, old emails from Dan, and emailed furiously back and forth with a new linux friend. I had one last hurdle - how to edit scripts effectively. I've only used emacs and that's just because it was the first editor I'd read about. Brooke was online and said she'd used pico. So she taught me some things about pico and I got some scripts running correctly. Then I told her I needed to know some Apache stuff. Lo and behold, she had an Apache book at her desk. Yay for me!! So I asked questions, she thumbed through the book and we whipped Apache into shape.
Tonight I added virtual hosts to host multiple domains on the same IP, built placeholders for the domains and then tore into installing QMail. Now it's after midnight, my eyes are falling out, my butt hurts from sitting here almost all of 16 hours but I'm smilin' because I'm finally catching on.
My friend Lori says she doesn't like it when I blog about stuff like this because she doesn't know what I'm talking about. Maybe when I'm on vacation, I'll work on the script to pop boxes so she can mouseover words she doesn't understand and get an explanation. How's that sound Lori? For now all you need to know is that Brooke and I did nothing to Apache Indians this afternoon. Honest. hehehe
I'm thinking maybe it's time to have lobster again. Last October my boss had lobster shipped in for us. Pictures and commentary here. Every time I read that I laugh my butt off. The lobsters were great but the whole experience was priceless.
My mom cracks me up. Todd and I can work in the yard for 16 hours and she'll notice the one thing we didn't get done. A few weeks ago we trimmed back trees, removed the grass from amongst our landscaping rocks, and mowed the yard. She comes over and says "You need to weed the flower bed." harrumph.
Tonight after work I had to go get C. from the sitters and called to ask her if she could watch him since I needed to come back and finish some work. She rode along to get out of the house for a bit. On the way back from the sitters I had to stop by the boss' folks to fix a printer. She and C. stayed outside and when I came out she said "I pulled the deadheads off of Pat's geraniums." Left there and stopped in at the house so C. could pick up something. Pulled in the driveway and she says "Looks like the geraniums around here could use some work too." Nice, subtle hint, Mom.
As I was working geraniums over, I watched this little poofy white cloud in the south build into a big nasty cloud with lots of lightning. It's beginning to rain now. Great... no sleep around here tonight.
First, a little background... my car has an alarm and we only received one remote and one key when we bought it. Before we left on vacation last year, we had the dealer make up another key but couldn't afford another remote. The keys are those special pass keys with the little chip thingy in it that is also part of the alarm. Todd has the newer key on his ring and it has given problems on one other occasion.
This afternoon we went to the grocery store and he grabbed his keys so I left mine at home. We get our groceries and in the line beside us is this Mexican family. As we are leaving two of the kids go out the door ahead of us - one I'm guessing to be around four years old and the other just a little guy in diapers, probably a year old. All he had on was a diaper - no shoes or socks. He's toddling right along like kids that age do and I see the parents are still in the store. The older kid is about halfway out the door just standing on the automatic door opening mat like she was seeing if it truly would hold the door open. I said to Todd "That little guy is gonna get out in the parking lot" and sure enough, he's out far enough in the lot that someone could easily run over him. I hand Todd the stuff I was carrying and start jogging back towards the little boy. As I get almost to him, he stops and starts screaming bloody murder. I realize that he has just left the shaded area of concrete and is now standing barefooted on the sunny concrete. Ouch! I can't imagine how hot that must've been since it's over 105 here today. I wasn't sure whether to pick him up and scare the daylights out of him or if I should take his hand and lead him back the few steps to the shade. Right as I get to him, his dad comes out and I said "Hey, I think he's burning his feet on the hot cement." The dad just ignores me, grabs the kids hand and leads him screaming towards the car. I'm thinking "Ya asshole.. least you could do is pick him up".
I head back across the lot where Todd is unlocking my car with that key that has given him problems in the past. Some car alarms are that shrill, panicky sound. Not mine. Mine honks the horn in short, half second bursts and flashes the headlights, taillights, dome lights... every conceivable light on the thing in between horn blasts. Cool, huh? Funny too when you've just done what could easily be misconstrued as trying to abduct a child in the parking lot and now it appears as though you are stealing a car. Todd wasn't seeing the humor. I'm doubled over laughing and he's saying "Gimme your remote!" - the one I left at home because he grabbed his keys. We had to drive home on the backroads with the horn blaring and lights flashing. Todd's driving faster than normal with a big scowl and I'm laughing hysterically and waving at the people who are coming out to see what the noise is all about. Most fun I've had in a long time.