I am sick. The kind of sick that I dread. When I hear people say "I was sick yesterday." I always ask "What kind of sick? Puking sick? If you were puking, get away from me!" When I was pregnant, I puked every day for seven months. That's a lifetime's worth I think. Oh how I dread it. Through frequent hand washing and monitoring who is sick with what, I've managed to escape all of the stomach flu bugs for the last six or seven years. Now I have one. If I find out who gave it to me, I'll poke them with a sharp stick. Last night I was almost positive I was going to die. I sat in the bathroom floor and shook like a leaf. I wasn't cold really but I couldn't stop shaking. When I was little and would get sick like that, my mom or grandma would sit on the bathroom floor with me and hold my hand, give me a cold rag, a glass of water... anything to make me feel better. I was wishing my grandma was there last night but I had the next best thing: Todd. Sitting on the floor with me. That's love.
So today I'm feeling like a wrung out dishrag. Death warmed over. Any of those cliches that describe feverish, dehydrated, weak and sore from head to toe. Tonight I was feeling like the whole damn thing was starting all over again - chills, nausea, headache. Then I got an email from a good friend. She's marrying my cousin this Saturday. They've been planning this wedding all summer. She's got hundreds of hours wrapped up in her perfect day. What's her email say? "Pray for me. It seems I have caught the flu bug." Ack! Here I am worried about missing a day or two of work when her wedding is hanging in the balance. Makes my wrung out dishrag feeling seem pretty insignificant.
For those wondering about the shower project - it works! We tried it out tonight and the only problem is that the water comes out around the shower curtain and onto the floor, especially when the 8-year old is showering. No biggie. That kid could get water over the top of a 20' door without much effort on his part. He also managed to knock almost every single bottle of shampoo off the built-in shelves. Sounded like he was under attack. I found the coolest shower doors but that won't be in the budget for several months now. Thank God for fluffy, absorbent towels. Anyone considering adding a shower to their existing tub should just do it. It's remarkably inexpensive and if you do it yourself, you'll save a fortune. Hard work never killed anybody. If I can remove and replace sheetrock with a leatherman tool, anyone can do it.