AIM: lwhirrett  
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Thursday, April 04, 2002

Sneaking a Thursday Threesome in here...

Onesome. Love. Ever felt that "unconditional love"? Tell us about it.... Sure. With Christopher of course and almost everyone in my family, particularly my Aunt Rose who posts in my comments from time to time. She's one of those people who oozes love out every fiber of her being.

Twosome. Labors. What was your first paying job (not counting baby-sitting)? My first job was when I was 14 and on the summer youth program. Washing dishes at the community mealsite. I hated it and decided then that I was going to work my tail off and learn as much as I could about everything else so I wouldn't get stuck in a job I hated.

Threesome. Lost. Have a knack for losing things? Is there something you lose "all the time"? My checkbook. But it's not my fault. I have a spot where I leave it and Todd has three or four places he likes to keep it. Anytime he's had it last I can't find it. Work CDs. Still looking for my NT Resource kit. Has anyone seen it?

posted by Lisa 4/04/2002 09:28:00 AM | link it |

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

My oldest brother has had some weird medical things the past few years that recently deteriorated enough for him to go the doctor. His primary doctor suspected Lou Gehrigs and sent him to a neurologist. Thankfully it wasn't that. He had fallen from his semi truck and apparently crushed some bones that eventually began to cut off the nerves to his arms and legs. Yesterday they went in and replaced the crushed bone with some from the bone bank. That freaks me out. I don't know why but eeewwwwww.

Anyway, it was supposed to be a simple procedure, day or two in the hospital and back to work by week's end. Of course our family doesn't play that simple procedure game. We go straight for complicated. He's still in intensive care due to some troubles intubating him. Guess they left the tubes in and are keeping him sedated until the swelling in his throat goes down. Lemme tell ya... they are gonna have one pissed off man when he finally does get to wake up. He's a cranky one, like our dad was. Not much use for doctors and certainly not one to hang around the hospital. Glad his wife is there to put up with it and not me. I dealt with dad through his hospitalization and don't care to hang out with any cranky Kelly men again for a long, long time.

I am so bored. I should be washing Christopher's germ infested bedding and working on a way to transfer a huge file from one server to another. Neither of those things sound very appealing. I could call my friend Lori but she goes to bed way early so that she can get up and run like a gerbil on her treadmill. By the way Lori, I'm really sorry about your grandpa. Remind me to tell you about how Sandy handled boat licenses while you were gone. I wonder if she even told you I'd been there to see you.....

Let's see... what else.... oh, the BWG informed me this morning that women hit their prime at 35. I forgot to ask if this was a sudden thing or if it developed over the 35th year. Either way I'm entering my prime a week from Saturday so look out! Lord knows what I'll do. Spontaneously combust? Sprout another gray hair? Todd's birthday is a week from today and I can tell you what he'll do. Nothing besides pretend like he's mad at me for buying him something. I think I'll get him this.

One more thing... if you think I'm a good mother, you're wrong. I'm awful. It doesn't matter that I've waited on him hand and foot for two days or that I've held him while he was violently ill. The only thing that matters is the giant army cot that I won't set up. Maybe I should box him up and send him and his cot to kd. She lets her kid camp in the living room. So much cooler than me.

posted by Lisa 4/03/2002 08:50:00 PM | link it |

Monday, April 01, 2002

To whomever last signed my guestbook: I got the message but you're mistaken. There's never been a man I've always wanted and if there was one I wanted even for a fleeting moment, I always succeeded. Men are too easy to conquer. There's not one alive that can say no to any woman who wants them bad enough. It's a fatal flaw in the species and a flaw that women learn to manipulate very early on in life. Even if the guys never get what they want, a woman worth her weight in salt can keep them eating out of her hand for an indefinite period of time.

While we're on the subject of men and their flaws, why is it the toughest guy, regardless of age, becomes the biggest baby when they are sick?? Christopher prides himself on being the toughest 8 year old on the planet. He's got the pukes again and the toughness just went out the window. My status has changed from mom or mother to mommmmmyyyyyy. One can only hope that his first words tomorrow are "Mom!!! Where's my clothes??!!" and not "Mommy, I need the bucket."

posted by Lisa 4/01/2002 09:58:00 PM | link it |

Sunday, March 31, 2002

This weekend was pretty dang good. In addition to the normal household chores I spent some quality time with Todd. It wasn't near enough but sure better than nothing which is what we've had for so long. The bad part is we had to sacrifice holiday time with family to get it so I'm sure I'll feel guilty as hell.

A year ago we bought this house and everything was perfect. Not long after things went to hell in a handbasket. It's been an uphill struggle since. I get so incredibly frustrated watching our ex-spouses galavant around with money to spare while we work like dogs. After a few hours of peace this weekend I realize it's okay. It really is. We have what money can't buy - love and respect for each other. Underneath all the craziness, it's still there so we'll be just fine.

Someone be sure to remind me of this the next time Todd has to fish in the change bucket for gas money, 'k?

posted by Lisa 3/31/2002 07:49:00 PM | link it |

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