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April 2005 Archives

April 13, 2005

Thank you Marlboro

Yesterday I got a birthday card from Todd's sister in the mail and another from Marlboro. In addition to the birthday greeting there was a coupon for $5 off a carton of Marlboros. No need to fear. Christopher and his friend ripped the card and the coupon from my hands and made a very dramatic point of ripping it all into tiny pieces and throwing it in the trash. They are drama queens I tell ya. Anyway, no smokes for me but damn that's frustrating to have a bad week, a very strong desire to smoke and some marketing bastards trying to lure you right back in. Thank God for kids who know better than we do sometimes.

Can I go back to bed?

Never too geriatric to rock and roll

Almost forgot I wanted to mention this and how much it made me laugh. A couple of my friends were so excited to go see Motley Crue. I haven't received the official report on whether it was worth the outlandish ticket price or not but I did scour the Des Moines Register for a review. You can read it here. Now tell me, did this part of the article make you burst out laughing?
Guitarist Mick Mars may have hobbled around the stage with a noticeable limp, the result of hip-replacement surgery last year, but his trademark guitar solos never missed the mark.

April 14, 2005

Belated happy birthday to my website

Yesterday justlisa.com turned six and no one brought cake. No one brought cake for my birthday either but we did have pizza and the company of good friends and family.

April 18, 2005

Cute lil' puppy

This is my friend Lisa and her new puppy.

He's so cute. And sharp little teeth as evidenced below. Todd always wanted his eyebrow pierced. ha!

Hard to believe Dozer used to be that small. Here he is almost four years ago when he was just a little guy. Puppies are just so sweet.

About April 2005

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in April 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2005 is the previous archive.

May 2005 is the next archive.

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